Axiom European Financial Debt Fund – executive interview

Axiom European Financial Debt Fund – executive interview

Axiom European Financial Debt Fund — 1 video in collection

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Axiom European Financial Debt Fund is a closed-end Guernsey-based fund invested in regulatory capital securities in Europe. It seeks opportunities presented by the Basel III and Solvency II transitions, with a diversified approach across subordinated debt issued by financials, investing in five sub-strategies. The fund is listed on the London Stock Exchange with a market cap of £80m. In this interview, David Benamou, chief investment officer of Axiom Alternative Investments and manager of the fund, explains the investment strategy and how Axiom takes advantage of the regulatory changes.

Axiom Alternative Investments was created in 2009 and is an independent asset management company based in Paris and London that combines the complementary expertise of asset managers and former investment bankers specialising in financing operations. As a specialist in regulatory opportunities in the financial sector, the company now manages above US$2.2bn through a range of open-ended funds and mandates covering all instruments issued by European financial institutions (senior debt, non-preferred senior debt, subordinated debt and equity). It is regulated by the AMF, FCA and SEC.

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