BB Biotech – executive interview

BB Biotech – executive interview

BB Biotech — 5 videos in collection

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With the first half of 2022 proving difficult for biotech companies’ share prices, we are now seeing a rebound. Daniel Koller gives his views on industry trends and where BB Biotech fits in.

Key points of the interview:

•Biotech is far more than a COVID-19 story. What are the latest developments in the industry and to what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced these?

•Is now a good time to invest in biotech stocks, given lower sector valuations, which fell considerably during 2021 and H122?

•What are BB Biotech’s particular features and how does it differentiate itself from peers?

BB Biotech was established in 1993 and is one of the largest specialist biotechnology funds, with a portfolio worth c CHF3.0bn (c £2.6bn). It focuses mainly on smaller and mid-cap companies that are changing the face of medicine through innovation and new technologies. Current themes include genetic medicine (gene therapy and gene editing) and oncology, where scientific advances are giving the chance of a normal life to patients with rare and serious conditions. The fund also pays a high distribution of c 6.9% (last 12-month yield).

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