Executive Interview – Bango

Executive Interview – Bango

Bango has developed and operates a carrier billing platform used by app stores to enable customers to pay, with one click, for digital content and services via their mobile phone bills. The company has already signed partnerships with multiple mobile network operators (such as Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom and O2) and app stores (including Google Play, Amazon and Windows Phone Store).

CFO Gerry Tucker discusses recent progress made by the company, including the recent Samsung Galaxy Apps app store partnership. He explains how Bango’s carrier billing platform provides a single integration point for mobile network operators to connect to a variety of app stores, and vice versa. The platform can handle up to 20 times the current transaction volume without any additional investment, highlighting the operational leverage in the business. The focus for 2015 is on delivering on the recently announced partnerships and driving up end-user spend.

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