ForFarmers – executive interview

ForFarmers – executive interview

ForFarmers is a Netherlands-listed international agricultural feed company, providing feed solutions for both conventional and organic livestock farming. It operates in a number of product verticals including crop farming, pasture farming, as well as providing feed solutions to the ruminant, swine, poultry and equine sectors. Having sold 9m tonnes of animal feed in 2022, which generated a turnover of €3.3bn, ForFarmers is a major player in the European market, active in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland and the United Kingdom.

In this video, CEO Pieter Wolleswinkel introduces the business and discusses the revised Build to Grow 2025 strategy. He goes on to discuss how ForFarmers differentiates itself from the competition in its various markets. Pieter then explains how ForFarmers is tackling the question of sustainability at both the company and sector level. He goes on to discuss more broadly the challenges facing the farming sector and how ForFarmers is helping to address these issues. He concludes by providing an overview of how the company is managing the volatile energy and raw material markets to ensure a robust financial performance.

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