Is it time to invest in the deskless revolution?

Is it time to invest in the deskless revolution?

Checkit — 4 videos in collection

More on this equity

Deskless workers account for most of our global workforce, but are often still organised by unconnected, inflexible and error-prone paper checklists.

Checkit is a SaaS business connecting, organising and empowering these people. The Checkit app is already installed in hundreds of locations, with BP and the UK’s NHS as foundation clients. The same Checkit software that ensures food-to-go preparation is safe and served at optimum temperatures is also easing the flow of COVID-19 vaccinations.

We caught up with Checkit CEO Kit Kyte and chief product officer David Davies to discuss the business model and get an overview of the company’s investment opportunity.

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Checkit – executive interview


Checkit - executive interview

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