Alpha Bank: EKF 2023 QuickView


Alpha Bank: EKF 2023 QuickView

The trusted relationship bank of Greece

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Alpha Bank is the third largest Greek bank with a presence in Cyprus, Romania, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom. Through its subsidiaries, Alpha Bank provides a range of services including banking services (comprising both retail and corporate banking), financing services by providing leasing and factoring solutions, financial services through asset management and brokerage support, investment services (setting up the first private equity/venture capital firm in Greece), real estate management and life insurance. Domestically, it ranks number one in wholesale lending, mutual funds, private banking and credit cards.

Read the full profile here.

Alpha Bank is attending the 2023 Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum conference. If you would like to meet them, please email or register at

Investment Companies

Heliad: EKF 2023 QuickView

A German VC and growth equity investor

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