cBrain: EKF 2023 QuickView


cBrain: EKF 2023 QuickView

Helping the public sector to go digital

Katherine Thompson

Written by

Katherine Thompson


cBrain develops and sells F2, a highly flexible digital platform that can easily be configured to support all government work processes. The F2 digital platform offers government organisations the opportunity to digitise based on standard software instead of traditional custom-built solutions. This eliminates a significant amount of the IT work related to digital transformation and offers government entities substantial business benefits through lower costs, faster delivery and accelerated digital transformation. The F2 digital platform is based on a model for digital bureaucracy and best practice that has been developed in close collaboration with the Danish government. Currently more than 75 Danish government entities, including 19 ministries, use F2 as their digital platform for a wide range of processes such as tax, business affairs, environment, energy, climate, culture, labour market and recruitment, work environment, employment, pensions, finance, etc. F2 is used by governments across five continents and in H123, 46% of revenue came from outside Denmark. The adoption of standard software challenges traditional IT consulting industries that rely on extensive projects and hourly billing practices, providing a significant opportunity for cBrain.

Read the full profile here.

cBrain is attending the 2023 Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum conference. If you would like to meet them, please email bwilson@edisongroup.com or register at www.eigenkapitalforum.com


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