SEEIT Capital Markets Day

Investment Companies

SEEIT Capital Markets Day

Sustainable Development Capital LLP (“SDCL”) recently hosted a Capital Markets Day event for SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust (SEEIT), highlighting key market drivers for energy efficiency and provided greater insights into some of the Company’s larger holdings. It consisted of a keynote address as well as several panel discussions comprising members of senior management at selected SEEIT portfolio companies.

SEEIT is the first listed company of its kind to invest exclusively in the energy efficiency sector. Projects that SEEIT invests in either provide decentralised on-site generation of power and heat, or projects which reduce energy demand.

The Company’s portfolio comprises assets across the UK, Europe and North America. Its objective is to generate an attractive total return for investors comprising stable dividend income and capital preservation, with the opportunity for capital growth. It delivers this to shareholders through its investment in a diversified portfolio of energy efficiency projects that deliver lower cost, cleaner and more reliable energy solutions to end users of energy.

The Company’s investment manager is Sustainable Development Capital LLP (“SDCL”). Established in 2007, SDCL is a specialist firm, with a proven track record of developing and investing in energy efficiency and decentralised energy generation projects in the UK, Europe, North America and Asia.

SDCL is headquartered in London, and the group operates internationally from its offices in New York, Dublin, Hong Kong and Singapore. SDCL is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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