Investing in decarbonisation: Plant-based foods, unexpected EVs and an unsung hero

Investing in decarbonisation: Plant-based foods, unexpected EVs and an unsung hero

Decarbonisation is a trend we’re always writing on – not least because there’s high demand from investors for the output. In case you’ve missed a publication or two, here are seven of the most prominent examples

#1: The Unexpected Acceleration of Electric Vehicles
The economy is in the midst of an electric vehicle revolution – and it’s happening far more quickly than most expect. 
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#2: Lithium: How to Profit from Unexpected Demand for Electric Vehicles
It is rare that the price of a metal moves in the opposite direction to the price of equities that mine or explore it. Yet the interaction between lithium, lithium miners and Electric Vehicles created just such an event.
Deep dive into why >

#3 It’s Lean. It’s Green. But is it a Money Making Machine?
Plant-based alternatives to meat can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the number of companies in the space proliferating, whose business models are worth investing in?
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#4 Tin: Shoving an Unsung Hero into the Spotlight
Given how reliant electrification is on tin, it is surprising how little investor attention it attracts. Especially given an expected future of strong demand, short supplies and an overreliance on artisanal mining.
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#5 Don’t Believe the Hydrogen Hype?
Hydrogen will help decarbonise industrial processes, buses, trucks and other hard-to-reach use cases. But it may never be a broader solution.
Find out why >

#6 Which listed battery stocks?
Battery tech is a clear winner in the future of transport. So which – of the numerous investment options available – should investors put on their consideration list?
Start your research now >

#7 Corporate Decarbonisation in Hard-to-Reach Sectors
Every oil and gas company is going to be affected by the drive to decarbonize. How are independents in the sector are responding to the challenge?
Find out now >

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