An unfinished symphony: The ever-changing face of investor relations

An unfinished symphony: The ever-changing face of investor relations

What did the last 12 months teach us about the global role of IR and why does it matter?

As the corporate agenda continued to ebb, flow (and, dare we say, pivot) so did investor relations, all to meet the evolving needs of listed companies and investors. The IR industry has been far more progressive than could have been predicted two years ago, but much of the evolution is yet to take place. And an even faster pace is needed.

Don’t miss exclusive insights in our Global Investor Relations 2021 report, in partnership with Debbie Nathan Associates.



Milosz Papst in the FT Adviser


Edison in The Daily Mail – LBG Media


Edison in CityAM – Ocado


Edison in CityAM – Games Workshop

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