Edison launches next generation ‘Complete IR’ service

Edison launches next generation ‘Complete IR’ service

Specifically designed to address the increasing IR challenges faced by issuers, the new service underlines Edison’s commitment and drive to improve capital markets.

Edison Group, the leading international equity research and investor relations firm, has announced the launch of its next-generation investor relations solution, Complete IR. The service takes a strategic approach to providing listed companies with enhanced tools to boost market exposure and increase investor understanding.  

Complete IR is specifically designed to address challenges faced by issuers, such as the fragmentation of the investment landscape, the ‘juniorisation’ of equity research and the need for precise investor targeting. 

Today’s more diverse and complex investment arena is influenced by an array of factors including a wider range of digital channels, reduced reliance on conventional broker research, and social media. This backdrop is consistent with Edison research indicating that investors need seven or eight touchpoints with a company before they make a decision to buy that company’s shares.  

Edison is also integrating AI into the Complete IR package to further refine its tools and strategies, reflecting the fact that investors are using AI-driven software to analyse such key IR elements as earnings calls while companies are leveraging AI-tools to understand better investor sentiment. 

The new service provides a disciplined methodology, to support issuers as they bring investors along the path to purchase.  

Fraser Thorne, CEO at Edison Group, says: “Complete IR has a distinctive approach, harnessing the latest tools and technology to provide sophisticated strategies for clients to convey their investment case, de-risk propositions, improve liquidity, and build informed investor audiences.” 

Email us at enquiries@edisongroup.com for more.



Milosz Papst in the FT Adviser


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