Pharnext — €12m loan to ease funding overhang

Pharnext (PAR: ALPHA)

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Pharnext — €12m loan to ease funding overhang

Pharnext announced that it has raised €12m in short-term, fixed-rate financing from Global Tech Opportunities 13, a member of the Alpha Blue Ocean group and the company’s convertible debt (OCEANE-BSA) holder. This refinancing will be used to pay off the outstanding €8m in venture debt obligations to IPF Partners (raised in 2018), releasing Pharnext from the restrictive covenants requiring it to maintain a €8m cash balance. Additionally, the funds will serve as an alternative source of financing for the dilutive drawdown of incremental convertible tranches. In light of this announcement, we are withdrawing our forecasts while we revisit our estimates and valuation.

Jyoti Prakash

Written by

Jyoti Prakash, CFA

Analyst, Healthcare



12m loan to ease funding overhang

Funding update

Pharma and biotech

10 June 2022



Market cap


Net debt (€m) at end FY21


Shares in issue


Free float




Primary exchange

Euronext Paris

Secondary exchange

OTC Pink

Share price performance

Business description

Pharnext is an advanced clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapies for neurodegenerative diseases lacking curative and/or disease-modifying treatments using its proprietary Pleotherapy platform, which develops new therapeutic effects from drug combinations. Its lead programme is PXT3003 for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A, which has recently completed patient enrolment in a pivotal Phase III trial, with readout expected in Q423 (orphan drug designation in the US and Europe). PXT864 for Alzheimer’s disease has completed Phase IIa and will be further advanced through partnerships.


Jyoti Prakash, CFA

+44 (0)20 3077 5700

Soo Romanoff

+44 (0)20 3077 5700

Pharnext is a research client of Edison Investment Research Limited

Pharnext announced that it has raised €12m in short-term, fixed-rate financing from Global Tech Opportunities 13, a member of the Alpha Blue Ocean group and the company’s convertible debt (OCEANE-BSA) holder. This refinancing will be used to pay off the outstanding €8m in venture debt obligations to IPF Partners (raised in 2018), releasing Pharnext from the restrictive covenants requiring it to maintain a €8m cash balance. Additionally, the funds will serve as an alternative source of financing for the dilutive drawdown of incremental convertible tranches. In light of this announcement, we are withdrawing our forecasts while we revisit our estimates and valuation.

Year end





















Note: *PBT and EPS are normalised, excluding amortisation of acquired intangibles, exceptional items and share-based payments.

The €12m fixed-rate loan with a 9.5% interest rate is anticipated to be disbursed in five instalments (the first is €3m, followed by two instalments of €2.5m and €2m each) from June 2022, and each instalment to be drawn down with at least a one-month gap in between. Pharnext has the flexibility to drawdown the debt between a four- to eight-month period ending February 2023. The repayment period ranges from four to 12 months following each disbursement. One of the key objectives of this new funding is to pay off the €8m venture debt obligations to IPF Partners (of a total €15m), which Pharnext raised in 2018 at a Euribor +11% interest rate. This prior debt agreement was negotiated to include a highly restrictive covenant requiring constant maintenance of a cash balance of €8m, thereby tying up valuable resources. The company’s cash balance of €8m at the end of FY21, along with the remaining proceeds from the new fixed-rate debt, should relieve the near-term funding overhang as it progresses its pivotal Phase III PREMIER trial to data readouts in Q423.

Pharnext also announced that it will be reinstating the initial terms of the June 2021 OCEANE-BSA agreement. As a reminder, the deal covered 35 tranches for total proceeds of €81m, which was truncated to 12 tranches in December 2021. While Pharnext has already utilised €36m of funds (across 11 tranches), the reinstatement means that it would be entitled to an incremental €45m in capital, should it choose to utilise this reinstated facility following completion of the fixed-loan agreement. While we expect the company to pursue alternate, non-dilutive options for future capital raising, the availability of the OCEAN-BSA funds provides management with options in case of contingencies. We will update our estimates to factor in these new developments.

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This report has been commissioned by Pharnext and prepared and issued by Edison, in consideration of a fee payable by Pharnext. Edison Investment Research standard fees are £60,000 pa for the production and broad dissemination of a detailed note (Outlook) following by regular (typically quarterly) update notes. Fees are paid upfront in cash without recourse. Edison may seek additional fees for the provision of roadshows and related IR services for the client but does not get remunerated for any investment banking services. We never take payment in stock, options or warrants for any of our services.

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