Boda analogues, options and potential economics
The following table provides a summary of the physical and financial characteristics of Boda’s most immediate geological analogues:
Exhibit 9: Boda analogues
Caravel |
Red Chris |
Cascabel |
Boddington |
Cadia |
Operator |
Caravel |
Newcrest |
Solgold |
Newmont |
Newcrest |
Region |
Western Australia |
British Columbia |
Ecuador |
Western Australia |
New South Wales |
Stage of development |
Scoping study |
Production |
Production |
Total resource |
662Mt |
1,170Mt |
3,843Mt |
838Mt |
3,382Mt |
Grade Cu |
0.28% |
0.37% |
0.33% |
0.11% |
0.25% |
Grade Au |
0.39g/t |
0.22g/t |
0.60g/t |
0.34g/t |
Contained Cu |
1.9Mt |
4.3Mt |
12.7Mt |
0.9Mt |
8.5Mt |
Contained Au |
14.9Moz |
27.3Moz |
16.4Moz |
37.9Moz |
Reserve |
480Mt |
558Mt |
558Mt |
1,300Mt |
Grade Cu |
0.45% |
0.58% |
0.11% |
0.29% |
Grade Au |
0.52g/t |
0.52g/t |
0.65g/t |
0.43g/t |
Contained Cu |
2.2Mt |
3.3Mt |
0.6Mt |
3.9Mt |
Contained Au |
8.1Moz |
9.4Moz |
11.6Moz |
19.0Moz |
Mining method |
Open pit |
Open pit & block cave |
Open pit & block cave |
Open pit |
Panel cave |
Initial capex |
A$576m |
C$2,632m |
US$2,746m |
Initial capex intensity |
A$48.00/t capacity |
C$193.53/t capacity |
US$108.00/t capacity |
Discount rate |
7% (real) |
4.5% (real) |
8% (real) |
Post-tax NPV |
A$995m |
C$2,242m |
US$2,907m |
Pre-tax IRR |
26.0% |
*19.5% |
25.3% |
Life of mine |
28 years |
36 years |
26 years |
Payback period |
<4 years |
3.2 years |
4.7 years |
Throughput rate (Mt) |
12.0–24.0Mtpa |
13.6Mtpa |
25.0Mtpa |
40.1Mt |
32.4Mt |
Head grade |
0.25% Cu |
0.45% Cu + 0.53g/t Au |
0.58% Cu + 0.52g/t Au |
0.11% Cu + 0.65g/t Au |
0.95g/t Au |
Recovery |
c 92.0% Cu |
75–85% Cu + 48–76% Au |
87.1% Cu + 72.1% Au |
80.7% Cu + 84.5% Au |
77.4% Au |
Production pa |
35–55kt Cu |
48.6kt Cu + 148koz Au |
132kt Cu + 358koz Au |
32kt Cu + 696koz Au |
106kt Cu + 765koz Au |
Production CuE pa |
35–55kt |
79kt |
212kt |
164kt |
276kt |
Copper price (US$/lb) |
***4.00 |
***3.30 |
***3.60 |
4.29 |
3.66 |
Gold price (US$/oz) |
***1,700 |
***1,500 |
***1,700 |
1,788 |
1,796 |
Forex |
***US$0.72/A$ |
***US$0.80/C$ |
N/A |
US$0.7467/A$ |
Cash costs |
US$2.20/lb |
(US$0.40/lb) |
**US$887/oz |
(C$60/oz) |
US$0.06/lb |
**US$1,083/oz |
(US$109/oz) |
Open-pit mining cost |
A$2.93/t |
C$3.47/t mined |
Underground mining cost |
C$5.61/t mined |
Average mining cost |
US$3.73/t milled |
Ore treatment |
A$6.69/t milled |
C$10.08/t milled |
US$6.38/t milled |
G&A |
C$4.33/t milled |
US$1.58/t milled |
Site costs |
A$14.42/t milled |
C$21.01/t milled |
US$12.12/t milled |
Revenue (US$m) |
*1,182 |
2,180 |
*698 |
1,615 |
EBIT (US$m) |
*577 |
1,416 |
Source: company sources, Edison Investment Research. Note: *Edison estimate in order to allow direct comparison. **As reported – note that Newmont reports ‘Costs applicable to sales’ according to US GAAP and AISC (which does not have a standardised meaning under GAAP) without reflecting any benefit from selling non-gold metals as a reduction to AISC; items marked ** should not therefore be directly compared across companies. Edison estimates that US$887/oz cost applicable to sales equates to a comparable US$653/oz net of by- and co-product credits. ***Assumed long-term rate.
Since Boda is at a relatively early stage of development, it does not yet have a reserves estimate. However, within this context, a number of features of Boda’s peers’ technical aspects are noteworthy:
While Boda is, at the current juncture, materially smaller than Cascabel and at a lower copper grade, it is almost directly comparable to Cascabel’s Tandayama-America deposit, which boasts a resource of 634Mt at grades of 0.24% copper and 0.19g/t gold.
On average, the copper head grade of its peers either is or is expected to be 21.7% higher than the resource grade.
On average, the gold head grade of its peers either is or is expected to be 90.0% higher than the resource grade. Note that this uplift is most apparent at Cadia (see Exhibit 9), which is probably the closest geological analogue to Boda.
On average, 40.1% of resources of its peers convert to reserves (which would imply a 17-year life for Boda at a mining and processing rate of 15Mtpa).
On average, 49.8% of resources of its peers are expected to be mined (which would imply a 21-year life for Boda at a mining and processing rate of 15Mtpa).
In consequence of these – and a number of other – observations, Edison has constructed a full financial model for Boda, albeit necessarily preliminary in nature, based on the following assumptions:
Boda will be developed as an open pit, initially, followed by a sub-level cave with a plant throughput rate of 15Mtpa over 20 years.
The mine will produce a gold-copper concentrate (to be refined in Asia) and gold doré; the moisture content of the concentrate will be 9% and 0.2% will be lost in transit.
Capital intensity will be US$108/t capacity implying ‘initial’ capex of US$1.62bn; however, this will be split approximately two-thirds towards the initial open-pit mine, development and plant complex (US$1.08bn) and one-third towards the subsequent underground mine development (US$0.54bn).
Sustaining capex is estimated to amount to a further US$0.8bn, incurred approximately equally at a rate of US$40m pa over each of the 20 years of the mine’s operation.
We estimate that approximately one-third of the resource will be mineable via open-pit methods, equating to c 206Mt or 14 years of production; the remaining six years of the life of the project will then be mined by underground methods.
Depreciation is assumed to be ‘straight line’ over the lives of the assets to which it relates (ie over 14 years for open-pit infrastructure and six years for underground infrastructure).
The head grade mined and processed will be at a premium to the resource grade and will amount to 0.49g/t Au and 0.17% Cu (premiums of 90.0% and 21.7%, respectively – see above).
Metallurgical recoveries will be 77.4% for gold and 85.0% for copper.
US$2.44/t for open-pit mining.
US$4.11/t for underground mining.
US$6.42/t for ore treatment.
US$0.13/t for tailings.
Off-site costs will be:
Treatment costs (TC) of US$79.00/t.
Refining costs (RC) of 7.9 US cents/lb copper and US$5.00/oz gold.
Port handling costs of US$12.00 per wet metric tonne (wmt) concentrate.
Ocean freight of US$44.30/wmt concentrate.
Payability is assumed to be 99.9% for gold doré, 98.0% for gold in concentrate and 96.5% for copper in concentrate (with an additional 1% copper deduction).
Fiscal terms are assumed to be a 30% rate of corporate income tax and a 4% state royalty.
Our long-term gold and copper price assumptions remain unchanged at US$1,524/oz and US$6,410/t (US$2.91/lb), respectively.
As a result of our assumptions, we calculate that Boda has the potential to produce 182koz gold per annum plus 21.3kt copper, or 271.0koz AuE, at costs as shown below (depending upon the accounting convention adopted):
Exhibit 10: Boda life-of-mine production and costs, by accounting convention
Accounting convention |
Life of mine production (koz) |
Total cash costs (US$/oz) |
AISC (US$/oz) |
Co-product accounting |
3,637koz Au + 425.5kt Cu |
*720 |
*869 |
By-product accounting |
3,637koz Au |
277 |
666 |
Source: Edison Investment Research. Note: *Per ounce AuE.
On this basis we estimate that Boda’s income statement in the first full year of its operations will be as shown in Exhibit 11. Note that, in recognition of the fact that Edison’s long-term metal prices are relatively low, Exhibit 11 also includes columns which present the same result at consensus long-term prices and spot prices:
Exhibit 11: Forecast typical Boda income statement (US$000s unless otherwise indicated)
Boda income statement |
Edison long-term prices |
Consensus long-term prices* |
Spot prices** |
Net revenue (US$000s) |
388,522 |
440,476 |
457,373 |
Cost of sales (US$000s) |
172,876 |
172,876 |
172,876 |
Royalties (US$000s) |
15,541 |
17,619 |
18,295 |
EBITDA (US$000s) |
200,105 |
249,981 |
266,202 |
Depreciation (US$000s) |
79,892 |
79,892 |
79,892 |
EBIT (US$000s) |
120,212 |
170,088 |
186,310 |
Interest income (US$000s) |
Interest expense (US$000s) |
Net interest (US$000s) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Profit before tax (US$000s) |
120,212 |
170,088 |
186,310 |
Tax (US$000's) |
36,064 |
51,026 |
55,893 |
Effective tax rate (%) |
30.0 |
30.0 |
30.0 |
Profit after tax (US$000s) |
84,149 |
119,062 |
130,417 |
Shares in issue (m) |
595.4 |
595.4 |
595.4 |
Derivatives (m) |
7.5 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
Fully diluted shares in issue (m) |
602.9 |
602.9 |
602.9 |
EPS (US$/share) |
0.141 |
0.200 |
0.219 |
Fully diluted EPS (US$/share) |
0.140 |
0.197 |
0.216 |
Source: Edison Investment Research. Note: US dollars (cf Alkane accounts in Australian dollars); *US$1,633/oz Au and US$3.63/lb Cu; **US$1,765/oz Au and US$3.48/lb Cu.
Before making an investment decision on Boda, Alkane will want to drill out the remainder of the deposit, including Kaiser and Duke. It will then enter an approvals process similar to the one currently underway for the Tomingley mine life extension. Using that as a precedent, Alkane management estimates that approval for mining at Boda will take a minimum of four years, but a more likely ‘fast track’ timeline of seven years and a realistic timeline of 10–12 years. On this basis, Edison has initially assumed that approvals for the Boda project will be forthcoming in approximately June 2031, with capex then commencing for the period FY32–34, before first production in FY34 and the first full year of production in FY35. Clearly there are a number of financing considerations to be taken into account, which it is beyond the scope of this note to pre-empt at this stage in the evolution of the project. However, all of the above being the case, we calculate an immediate value of Boda to Alkane of US$80.9m, or US$0.136/share or A$0.200/share, based on the present value of future dividends, discounted at our customary rate of 10% per annum. Moreover, this valuation rises to reach US$190.8m at the start of capex (FY32) and a maximum of US$544.3m, according to the following profile:
Exhibit 12: Boda future cash flow, dividend and valuation profile (US$000s)

Source: Edison Investment Research
Note that, at long-term consensus and spot prices, the equivalent immediate valuations of Boda to Alkane would be:
US$157.0m, or US$0.264/share or A$0.388/share, at consensus long-term prices.
US$183.1m, or US$0.308/share or A$0.452/share, at spot prices
Alternatively, Edison’s valuation is sensitive towards the (real) discount rate applied to future dividends to the following extent:
Exhibit 13: Boda valuation sensitivity to (real) discount rate
Discount rate |
0% |
5% |
8% |
10% |
12% |
Boda project valuation (US$m) |
988.5 |
269.4 |
129.5 |
80.9 |
51.2 |
Ditto (US$/share) |
1.660 |
0.453 |
0.217 |
0.136 |
0.086 |
Ditto (A$/share) |
2.442 |
0.666 |
0.320 |
0.200 |
0.127 |
Source: Edison Investment Research
All of these results may be compared with Edison’s in-situ valuation of the entire Boda, Kaiser/Duke, Boda Two and Boda Three complex of US$156.6m or US$0.263/share or A$0.387/share, as follows:
Edison’s ‘base case’ valuation of the Boda complex of US$80.9m may be reconciled with our in-situ valuation if production is achieved in five years, rather than the 13 that we are currently assuming. Alternatively, it may be reconciled with our valuation of Boda alone (of US$125.5m or US$0.211/share or A$0.310/share) on the basis that production is achieved in seven years’ time.
Our valuation of the Boda complex using consensus long-term metals prices almost perfectly reconciles with our in-situ value, which could be taken as evidence that, at the current time, a 10% discount rate is an appropriate rate to apply to the project. All other things being equal however, we would expect the in-situ valuation to remain broadly unchanged (subject to changes in metals prices), whereas we would expect the valuation of the Boda project, based on Edison’s assumptions, to increase both with time and as the discount rate is lowered to reflect milestones being reached and the project becoming successively de-risked with time.
Our valuation of the Boda complex using spot metals prices reconciles with our in-situ valuation if either the appropriate discount rate is 13.9% or it is only able to achieve a head grade of 0.42g/t Au and 0.14% Cu (cf the 0.49g/t Au and 0.17% Cu assumed).