2016 results – weak background, stronger trend in Q4
OTC Markets Group’s fourth quarter revenues were slightly lower year-on-year (1.4%) but were up 2.2% compared with the third quarter and the full year figure showed a gain of 1.9% (see Exhibit 1). This performance was achieved in a year of relatively subdued trading volumes and reduced corporate activity. The operating margin was stable at 35% and profit before tax was little changed at $16.9m while a lower tax charge allowed net earnings to increase by 2.6% and diluted EPS by 2.4%. There was a total dividend of $1.16 (+7%) for FY16 comprising quarterly dividends of $0.14 and a $0.60 special dividend.
Exhibit 1: 2016 full year P&L results summary
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
FY16/FY15 % change |
OTC Link ATS |
12,019 |
11,796 |
10,573 |
(10.4) |
Market data licensing |
20,334 |
20,610 |
21,054 |
2.2 |
Corporate services |
9,862 |
17,503 |
19,254 |
10.0 |
Gross revenues |
42,215 |
49,909 |
50,881 |
1.9 |
Re-distribution fees and rebates |
(2,388) |
(2,379) |
(2,317) |
(2.6) |
Net revenue |
39,827 |
47,530 |
48,564 |
2.2 |
Operating expenses |
(26,925) |
(30,664) |
(31,638) |
3.2 |
Income from operations |
12,902 |
16,866 |
16,926 |
0.4 |
Other income / net interest |
9 |
27 |
9 |
(66.7) |
Income before provision for income taxes |
12,911 |
16,893 |
16,935 |
0.2 |
Taxes |
(5,021) |
(6,635) |
(6,407) |
(3.4) |
Net income |
7,890 |
10,258 |
10,528 |
2.6 |
Diluted EPS $ |
0.69 |
0.88 |
0.90 |
2.4 |
Operating margin |
32% |
35% |
35% |
Source: OTCM Markets Group
OTC Link ATS operating metrics show the total $ value of trading was down 3.4% for FY16 and the number of active brokers continued to contract through a combination of consolidation and withdrawal of participants (by 10% to 104). This reduction reflected muted volumes, competitive pressure on margins and the burden of regulatory requirements. Revenue was down by 10% within which the consolidation and closure of Citigroup’s Automated Trading Desk removed c 4% of revenue on its own (the final contribution to revenue in FY16 was $0.24m, 2.3% of the segment total). The most marked decline was in quote fees (down 25% - see Exhibit 2), where the removal of fees on OTCQX and OTXQB in July 2015 was an important contributor to the reduction. An increase in messaging fees that took place at the same time accounts for the increase in trade message revenue, which was partially offset by lower messaging volumes. Positively, after four quarters of decline, there was a sequential pick up in segmental revenues in Q4 (+4%).
The number of professional market data users was down slightly (1.3%) acting as a modest drag on revenues for the Market data licensing segment, while non-professional users increased sharply (37%). Reflecting the smaller number of professional users licence income was slightly lower but this was more than offset by increases in other revenues arising from newly introduced indirect access fees, data and derived data licences and enterprise licences.
For the corporate services business the overall number of clients was down 8.1%, including a smaller, 6.1%, decline for OTCQX clients. However, the full-year impact of the more than doubling in the number of OTCB clients in 2015 and a 12% increase for OTCQX contributed to an overall 10% increase in revenue including an 18% increase for OTCQB clients. OTCQX revenues also benefited from a price increase from $15,000 to $20,000 applied to new clients; existing clients pay the increased fee this year while OTCQB companies on a promotional rate of $7,500 will see an increase to $10,000. The disclosure and news service sees fluctuating activity according to corporate activity and ended the year up 9%, partly reflecting a price increase implemented in February 2016.
Exhibit 2: Sub-segment revenue analysis
$m unless stated |
2015 |
2016 |
% change |
OTC Link ATS |
Quote fees |
3.05 |
2.29 |
(25.0) |
Trade messages |
3.18 |
3.37 |
6.0 |
Market participant subscriptions |
2.71 |
2.44 |
(10.0) |
Other |
2.85 |
2.47 |
(13.3) |
Total |
11.80 |
10.57 |
(10.4) |
Market data licences |
User licence subscriptions |
14.40 |
14.11 |
(2.0) |
Data licences and other income |
6.21 |
6.94 |
4.2 |
Total |
20.61 |
21.05 |
2.2 |
Corporate services |
7.78 |
9.18 |
18.0 |
6.25 |
6.30 |
0.8 |
Disclosure and news service |
3.00 |
3.27 |
9.0 |
Other |
0.48 |
0.51 |
5.9 |
Total |
17.50 |
19.25 |
10.0 |
Source: OTC Markets Group, Edison Investment Research. Note: Indicative as sub-segment figures are mainly based on management commentary giving percentage changes so are subject to rounding errors.
Exhibit 3 provides a longer-term view of the progression of group revenues. Although growth was limited by market conditions last year as detailed above, over the period shown compound annual growth was 13%. The mix has shifted significantly with revenue from corporate services (mainly generated from application and annual charges to companies on the premium OTCQX and OTCQB markets) compounding at a rate of 32%. As a result, the contribution from this segment has increased from 9% to 38% of the total while market data remains the largest contributor at 41% and OTC Link ATS accounts for the 21% balance compared with 36% in 2007.
Exhibit 3: Gross revenue evolution and analysis
Source: OTC Markets Group
OTCM has continued to work with US states and the North American Securities Administrators Association to extend the number that accept the disclosure provided by OTCQX and OTCQB securities for the purpose of Blue Sky recognitions that generally allow secondary trading of qualifying securities. This is important in reinforcing the reputation of both as efficient and established public markets and increasing their appeal to companies as venues for public trading. OTCM note that Nasdaq had recognition in 27 states when it floated Apple and, since the time of the H116 announcement, OTCM’s Blue Sky recognitions have risen from five to 20.
Initiatives to improve the transparency of the markets and enhance the client experience during FY16 have included: (1) Q Score, which gives liquidity metrics allowing participants in the OTC Link ATS network to identify the better providers of liquidity; (2) Research Marketplace, which gives companies a choice of sources for sponsored research (includes ACF Equity Research, Sidoti & Co and Edison); (3) a collaboration with Morningstar to provide OTCQB and certain OTCQB companies with quantitative research coverage; (4) a rule change at OTCQX (starting January 2017) that removed the burden of the ongoing OTCQX adviser requirement; and (5) the Transfer Agent Verified Shares Program which collates information from transfer agents to give timely information to avoid undisclosed dilution (seven agents have signed up to the program so far).