Targeted therapies transform cancer treatment
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally (19.4% of total cancer-related deaths); 1.8m new cases were reported worldwide in 2012. The US and China are two of the largest single markets, with 214,000 and 653,000 new cases, respectively, in 2012 (source: Globocan). NSCLC is the most common type of lung cancer, accounting for 85-90% of all cases. Five-year survival rates for NSCLC remain poor despite significant investment resources over the last 15 years; only 15% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer survive more than five years. The more recent availability of new treatment options as described below has improved outcomes and survival for patients, but there is still much need for more effective treatments across first-, second- and third-line settings.
Over the last 20 years, significant advancements have been made in the development of personalised medicine for cancer. The understanding that many cancers develop at a genetic level has translated in the clinical setting to “genotyping” an individual’s cancer, to identify the genetic abnormalities that are a causal factor in the development and progression of cancer. The discovery of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes alongside the complete sequencing of the human genome were important advances in the understanding of the molecular mechanism of cancer (mutations that arise activate a specific gene, such that healthy cells become cancerous cells). Targeted therapies (for specific molecularly defined subsets of cancer patients) that focus on relevant gene expressions have demonstrated a marked improvement in overall survival in patients with amenable cancers compared to initial treatment with traditional chemotherapy. Such drugs work to close the abnormally activated molecular pathways in cancer cells leading to cancer cell death while minimally affecting healthy cells.
A wide variety of genetic mutations and potential targets continue to be identified in oncology. Some targets have become synonymous with a particular cancer (eg B-Raf and melanoma). However, genetic mutations can exist across a variety of cancer types; some lymphomas and lung cancers have an aberrant ALK (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) gene. EGFR and or VEGFR mutations are found in a wide variety of cancers including CRC and lung cancer. The MET oncogene has been observed to be highly expressed in a number of solid tumour types, across a range of carcinomas, including, but not limited to, lung (40%), kidney (70%), colon (78%) and gastric (>95%) cancers.
Identification of ‘driver mutations’ in NSCLC
Historically NSCLC is histologically divided into adenocarcinoma (50%), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (30%) and large call carcinoma; it is now known that 60% of adenocarcinomas and 50-80% of SCC have identifiable ‘driver mutations’. NSCLC is not a single entity but a number of pathologies with different molecular abnormalities; subsets of NSCLC can be further defined at the molecular level by identification of ‘driver mutation’ that occurs across multiple oncogenes. Such mutations occur in the genome of the cancer cells within genes that encode for cell growth and survival and activation of mutant signalling proteins induce and sustain tumour growth. Lung adenocarcinomas are associated with KRAS (30%), EGFR (15%), ALK (5%) and MET (4%) mutations; see Exhibit 11. Common treatable oncogene mutations in NSCLC include the EGFR mutation and ALK translocation (see below, Current treatment modalities).
Exhibit 11: NSCLC – adenocarcinoma driver mutations

Source: Edison Investment Research, American Thoracic society papers
EGFR: Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is involved in the pathogenesis and progression of many cancer types; approximately 15% of patients with NSCLC in the US and c45-60% in Asian patient populations have tumour associated EGFR mutations. Mutations in EGFR are seen more frequently in non-smokers. Genetic alterations such as amplification of the EGFR gene and mutations of the EGFR tyrosine kinase domain in cancer patients are correlated with a high probability of responsiveness to anti-EGFR drug therapy. The two most common activating mutations involve exon 19 and exon 21.
C-met driven cancers and resistance
C-Met (mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor) overexpression, with or without gene amplification, has been reported in a variety of solid tumours, including lung cancers, and is correlated with poor prognosis. In the context of cancer, aberrant signalling through the c-Met receptor promotes pleiotropic effects that include growth, survival, invasion, migration, angiogenesis and metastasis. Additionally, up-regulation of MET can occur in patients after EGFR inhibitory therapy as a mechanism of resistance to this treatment; furthermore, as MET amplification occurs independently of EGFR (T790M) mutations it is a clinically relevant therapeutic target for some patients who acquire resistance to EGFR TKIs (Iressa and Tarceva).
One of the most prevalent MET-related mutations is exon 14 skipping, a result of defective messenger RNA (mRNA) splicing due to mutations or deletions at the acceptor or donor sites. This ‘skipping’ of exon 14 results in the loss of a key regulatory domain and promotes c-Met overexpression and tumour activation. Its prevalence in NSCLC has been shown in numerous academic studies and is recognised as a potential key indicator for efficacy for c-Met inhibitors. A 2014 study by the Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network of 230 resected lung adenocarcinomas found exon 14 skipping in MET mRNA in 4% of all cases.
VEGF/R: Angiogenesis inhibition critical treatment option
While detection and inhibition of individual patient mutations is becoming increasingly relevant in cancer treatment, inhibition of more global pathways such as angiogenesis (eg through VEGF/R inhibition) remain important therapeutic strategies. Therapeutic intervention of tumour angiogenesis pathways have been identified in many cancer types including NSCLC. Angiogenesis is critical for the process of tumour growth, proliferation and metastasis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays an important role in tumour angiogenesis, and inhibition of VEGF/R is a clinically proven target; monoclonal antibody Avastin (inhibits VEGF-A) remains the leading VEGF/R inhibitor on the market. To date small molecule inhibitors of angiogenesis have failed to produce meaningful improvements in overall survival.
Current treatment modalities
Treatment of NSCLC varies and depends on the type and stage of the tumour as well as size and position in the lung; ~10% of lung cancers are surgically operated on, while the majority are treated with combinations of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted drug therapies. Historically drug treatment decisions have been based on NSCLC tumour histology and platinum based chemotherapy has been the cornerstone of treatment; the main limitations of it are low survival rates alongside the troublesome side effects of these cytotoxic agents. More recently the treatment paradigm for the management of NSCLC has shifted with the availability of targeted therapies. Current guidelines from CAP (College of American Pathologists) and IASLC (International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer) recommend that patients with advanced NSCLC (adenocarcinoma) have the primary tumour or metastasis analysed for EGFR and ALK wherever feasible. Targeted therapies have improved progression-free survival in patients to 10-12 months versus six months on platinum doublet treatment in the clinical trial setting. In the clinical setting, treatment of NSCLC depends on stage diagnosed and molecular status of the tumour.
Historically chemotherapy has been the mainstay of treatment (before or/and after surgery); examples include cisplatin, carboplatin, paclitaxel, docetaxel and irinotecan. NSCLC patients often receive a combination of two drugs.
Targeted NSCLC therapies for molecular identifiable tumours
Targeted drug therapies are used for tumours with identifiable mutations or advanced tumours that progress despite chemotherapy (Exhibit 11):
EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) eg Tarceva (Roche), Gilotrif (Boehringer-Ingelheim) and Iressa (AstraZeneca) are approved for the first-line treatment of advanced NSCLC patients who have identifiable EGFR exon 19 deletions or exon 21 substitution mutations as detected by an FDA-approved test.
EGFR T790M inhibitors eg Tagrisso (AstraZeneca), which has been designed to treat the emergence of resistance; Tagrisso is indicated for the treatment of EGFR T790M mutation-positive NSCLC patients who have progressed after EGFR TKI therapy.
ALK and ROS1 targeting inhibitors eg Xalkori (Pfizer) is a multi-kinase inhibitor (ALK, ROS1, & MET) specifically approved for subsets of NSCLC patients with ALK or ROS-1 positive NSCLC.
Anti-angiogenesis targets tumour dependence on blood supply
VEGF/R targeting drugs eg Avastin (Roche) (VEGF-A) and Cyramza (Lilly) (VEGFR-2) are monoclonal antibodies that target VEGF/R in combination with chemotherapy. Avastin is approved in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel (PC) for first-line NSCLC. In a pivotal 878-patient Phase III trial with PC in combination with Avastin, patients demonstrated a median overall survival (OS) of 12.3 months vs 10.3 months for PC alone.
Immunotherapy harnesses patient’s own immune system
More recent advances are in the field of immunotherapy, specifically immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). ICIs block immune related receptors (eg programmed death PD-1) found on either T-cells or cancerous cells. Activation of such receptors enables cancer cells to hide from an individual’s immune system; by inhibiting these receptors, a patient’s immune system can find and destroy cancer cells. This field is currently dominated by PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitors:
PD-1 inhibitors Opdivo (Bristol Myers Squibb) and Keytruda (Merck) are approved for the treatment of second-line NSCLC patients who have progressed on or after platinum-based chemotherapy. Additionally, Keytruda is indicated for first-line patients with metastatic NSCLC whose tumours have high PD-L1 expression (above 50%); patients should have no EGFR or ALK genomic tumour aberrations and no prior treatment with chemotherapy. Opdivo and Keytruda have demonstrated impressive impact on OS: 12.2 months (vs 9.4 months) and 12.7 months (vs 8.5 months), respectively, versus chemotherapy in their respective clinical trials in second-line NSCLC patients. First-line Keytruda OS was 17.3 months vs 8.2 months for chemotherapy.
PD-L1 inhibitor Tecentriq (Roche) targets the ligand on the cancer cell rather than the receptor on the T-cell as with PD-1 targeting, and was approved (in Oct 2016) for the second-line treatment of NSCLC.