On 29 April, Alkane announced an update to its Kaiser mineral resource estimate, following an extensive infill drilling programme, which saw some of the best grades (eg 1m at 60.4g/t in hole KAI159 on the northern boundary of the deposit) and intersections (eg 162m at 2.13g/t AuE in the heart of the deposit) reported last. Higher grades were also encountered from surface – especially at the southern end of the deposit – while deeper drilling confirmed that it continued at depth. In general, the pattern of results for the later drill holes was towards wider, longer and deeper intersections, variously at high grades (eg hole KAI159, which recorded the highest grade of any hole at either Kaiser or Boda) when intersecting brecciated zones.
The revised estimate was based on a 1,100m strike length x 650m width (cf 1,750m strike length x 500m width at Boda) and used nominal drill hole spacing of 50m x 50m (the same as Boda), which allowed the majority of the deposit to be upgraded to the indicated category of resources, from inferred. Drilling depths averaged c 500m below surface (cf 1,000m at Boda) and ranged up to 800m. In total, the updated resource was calculated from assay results from 217 drill holes (cf 186 at Boda) for a total of 94,799m drilled (cf 145,458m at Boda), averaging 437m per hole (cf 782m/hole at Boda) and comprising 41,487m (44%) diamond core and 53,292m (56%) reverse circulation (RC) drilling. This total was almost exactly double the number of metres drilled at the time of Kaiser’s maiden resource in February 2023, and ranged in depth from a very approximate 500m above mean sea level to approximately 490m below. The detailed drilling also enabled the revision of the wireframe models. Cut-off grades of 0.3g/t AuE and 0.4g/t AuE for open pit and underground resources, respectively, were the same as those applied in February 2023. However, in the updated case, the resource was further refined via the application of a notional pit shell to determine which resources were open pittable and which were instead amenable to underground mining. In addition, there was a slight adjustment to metals prices – from US$1,770/oz Au and US$9,750/t Cu to US$1,950/oz Au and US$8,600/t Cu – for the purposes of calculating gold equivalent (AuE) grades and metal contents.
Exhibit 1 summarises the resource update at Kaiser relative to its maiden resource declared on 27 February 2023.
Exhibit 1: Kaiser updated mineral resource estimate (April 2024 cf February 2023)
Mt |
Grade AuE (g/t) |
Grade Au (g/t) |
Grade Cu (%) |
Contained AuE (Moz) |
Contained Au (Moz) |
Contained Cu (Mt) |
In-situ value (US$/oz)* |
In-situ value (US$m) |
In-situ value (US$/sh) |
In-situ value (A$/sh) |
Open pittable |
Measured |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
62.88 |
0.0 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Indicated |
179 |
0.54 |
0.27 |
0.20 |
3.12 |
1.56 |
0.35 |
24.84 |
38.8 |
0.064 |
0.100 |
Inferred |
10 |
0.51 |
0.29 |
0.14 |
0.16 |
0.10 |
0.01 |
7.87 |
0.8 |
0.001 |
0.002 |
Total |
189 |
0.54 |
0.27 |
0.20 |
3.28 |
1.66 |
0.37 |
23.93 |
39.7 |
0.066 |
0.102 |
Underground |
Measured |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
62.88 |
0.0 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Indicated |
16 |
0.57 |
0.30 |
0.22 |
0.30 |
0.15 |
0.03 |
24.84 |
3.8 |
0.006 |
0.010 |
Inferred |
8 |
0.63 |
0.36 |
0.20 |
0.16 |
0.09 |
0.02 |
7.87 |
0.7 |
0.001 |
0.002 |
Total |
24 |
0.61 |
0.32 |
0.21 |
0.46 |
0.24 |
0.05 |
19.26 |
4.6 |
0.008 |
0.012 |
Total |
Measured |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
62.88 |
0.0 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Indicated |
195 |
0.54 |
0.27 |
0.19 |
3.36 |
1.72 |
0.37 |
24.84 |
42.7 |
0.071 |
0.110 |
Inferred |
18 |
0.57 |
0.34 |
0.17 |
0.33 |
0.20 |
0.03 |
7.87 |
1.5 |
0.003 |
0.004 |
Total |
213 |
0.55 |
0.28 |
0.20 |
3.74 |
1.90 |
0.42 |
23.23 |
44.2 |
0.073 |
0.114 |
Previous |
Measured |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
24.08 |
0.0 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Indicated |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
24.08 |
0.0 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Inferred |
270 |
0.54 |
0.24 |
0.18 |
4.72 |
2.05 |
0.48 |
24.08 |
49.4 |
0.082 |
0.127 |
Total |
270 |
0.54 |
0.24 |
0.18 |
4.72 |
2.05 |
0.48 |
24.08 |
49.4 |
0.082 |
0.127 |
Change (units) |
Measured |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Indicated |
195 |
0.54 |
0.27 |
0.19 |
3.36 |
1.72 |
0.37 |
Inferred |
(252) |
0.03 |
0.10 |
(0.01) |
(4.39) |
(1.86) |
(0.45) |
Total |
(57) |
0.00 |
0.04 |
0.02 |
(0.97) |
(0.15) |
(0.05) |
Source: Edison Investment Research, Alkane Resources. Note: Tables use rounded numbers; hence, small differences may result if the calculations are repeated using the tabulated figures. *Based on the valuations of Australia-listed in-situ ounces calculated in our report Gold stars and black holes, published in January 2019.
A number of features of the updated resource estimate are important:
The 21.1% decline in tonnage was largely anticipated and could be attributed to the constraints on the resource imposed by a notional pit shell to represent the boundary within which the resource has a reasonable possibility of economic extraction, in line with JORC code requirements (albeit this is likely to be refined in the scoping study currently underway).
In compensation for the decline in overall tonnage however, the closer spaced drilling allowed the revision of the wireframe models, which resulted in a 16.7% increase in gold grade and an 11.1% increase in the copper grade. Moreover, the classification of the vast majority of resources (90% of AuE ounces) increased from the inferred to the indicated category.
The grade of the deposit, in particular, may be compared with the width-weighted averages calculated by Edison for the 201 holes for which it has data, as follows:
Exhibit 2: Kaiser drill hole assay results
From (m) |
To (m) |
Average aggregate intercept (m) |
Average gold grade (g/t) |
Average Cu grade (%) |
201 holes |
0.0 |
1,177.0 |
171.1 |
0.26 |
0.18 |
Source: Edison Investment Research, Alkane Resources. Note: Multiple intersections amalgamated and grades averaged according to the width of the individual intersections.
Readers should be aware that the uplift in grade in the updated resource relative to the average of the drill holes is typical for this type of deposit. Reserve grades are typically higher again to the tune of c 90% for gold grades and 22% for copper grades – albeit at the expense of approximately half of the deposit’s tonnage.
Valued at US$62.88 per measured gold ounce listed in Australia, US$24.84 per indicated ounce and US$7.87 per inferred ounce (see Gold stars and black holes, published in January 2019), our updated valuation of the Kaiser deposit is US$44.2m, or 10.9 Australian cents per share. On a like-for-like basis, this would imply a US$28.0m uplift relative to its valuation in February 2023, all other things being equal, albeit we had already somewhat pre-empted the upgrading of the deposit to indicated status by applying an average value of US$24.08/oz to Kaiser’s maiden resource (Exhibit 1). Nevertheless, the value of the updated resource may now be stated with a much greater level of certainty relative to that of the maiden resource. In addition, it should be noted that our valuations of US$62.88 per measured ounce, US$24.84 per indicated ounce and US$7.87 per inferred ounce were calculated in January 2019 when the gold price was US$1,208/oz. As such, they should be considered conservative in an environment in which the gold price is now approximately double that level.
The updated resource at Kaiser also adds to the existing resource of 6.4Moz (10.9Moz AuE) already delineated at Boda to give a combined total of 796Mt at 0.58g/t AuE for 14.7Moz AuE (8.28Moz Au, 1.46Mt Cu). This compares with its maiden resource and also the locally comparable resource disclosed by Newmont for Cadia and Newcrest for Cadia Ridgeway c 110km to the south as shown below:
Exhibit 3: Kaiser resource estimate cf Cadia and Boda (current vs previous)
Characteristic (units) |
Kaiser (previous) |
Kaiser (current) |
Change (%) |
Cadia underground actual* |
Cadia Ridgeway** |
Boda |
Previous Boda & Kaiser |
Updated Boda & Kaiser |
Estimated tonnage (Mt) |
270 |
213 |
-21.1 |
3,196 |
151 |
583 |
853 |
796 |
Estimated average gold grade (g/t) |
0.24 |
0.28 |
16.7 |
0.34 |
0.49 |
0.34 |
0.31 |
0.33 |
Estimated average copper grade (%) |
0.18 |
0.20 |
11.1 |
0.32 |
0.18 |
0.18 |
0.18 |
Estimated average AuE grade (g/t) |
0.54 |
0.55 |
1.9 |
0.84 |
0.58 |
0.57 |
0.58 |
Estimated contained gold (koz) |
2,050 |
1,900 |
-7.3 |
34,700 |
2,400 |
6,380 |
8,430 |
8,280 |
Estimated contained copper (kt) |
486 |
420 |
-13.6 |
480 |
1,030 |
1,516 |
1,460 |
Estimated contained AuE (koz) |
4,688 |
3,740 |
-20.2 |
4,925 |
10,872 |
15,651 |
14,700 |
Source: Edison Investment Research, Alkane Resources. Note: *Newmont 2023 reserves plus underground resources. **Newcrest June 2023 resources statement.
Seen in national terms, the entire 14.7Moz AuE Boda-Kaiser complex is among the top three deposits in Australia in terms of resources and among the top 10 based on its gold inventory alone. Valued at the same US$62.88 per measured gold ounce, US$24.84 per indicated ounce and US$7.87 per inferred ounce, our updated valuation of the whole Kaiser-Boda complex is US$160.0m, or 40.0 Australian cents per share. Valued at US$24.08/oz, it is US$199.9m, or A$0.499/share. Moreover, early indications are that its metallurgy is extremely simple, requiring only a crush-grind-float-regrind-concentrate-ship flow sheet to process.
As per our note, Coming to fruition, published on 7 July 2022, assuming that 40% of its resources convert into reserves, the mineable inventory at Kaiser-Boda would be in the order of 319Mt – or 16 years of life at a mining rate of 20Mtpa, 21 years at 15Mtpa, 32 years at 10Mtpa or 64 years at 5Mtpa. At head grades of 0.49g/t Au and 0.17% Cu and metallurgical recoveries of 77.4% Au and 85.0% Cu, a processing rate of 15Mtpa would imply production of c 257koz AuE pa and EBITDA of c US$247m pa at a total initial open-pit cash cost of c US$729/oz AuE at Edison’s somewhat conservative real, long-term prices of US$1,794/oz Au and US$6,410/t Cu or c US$434m at current prices of US$2,400/oz Au and US$10,668/t Cu. Post-tax and capex (and pending the publication of Alkane’s own scoping study in May or June this year), we would value such a stream of income as at 1 July 2024 (ie the start of FY25) at US$183.6m or A$0.45/share) at our long-term prices on the basis of the discounted value of maximum potential future dividends to shareholders discounted at a rate of 10% per year.
Exhibit 4: Kaiser-Boda future cash flow, dividend and valuation profile (US$000s) at Edison long-term prices

Source: Edison Investment Research
Readers should note the similarity of this discounted dividend valuation of A$0.45/share with the resource valuations calculated in the paragraph below Exhibit 3 above, of A$0.400/share and A$0.499/share – both conferring confidence in the valuation and cementing it in the A$0.400–0.499/share range. At current metals prices, however, we value it at US$571.8m (or A$1.42/share), on a discounted dividend basis (all other things being equal):
Exhibit 5: Kaiser-Boda future cash flow, dividend and valuation profile (US$000s) at current metal prices

Source: Edison Investment Research.
In the meantime, as stated previously, Alkane is conducting its own scoping study regarding the potential future economics of a Kaiser-Boda mine. To this end, it has nearly finished costing the mooted metallurgical facility and its peripheral infrastructure. Moreover, the level of the work being conducted is such that a rapid transition to a feasibility study is possible. It also reports that it has already started the baseline process for permitting and expects to make an environmental application within the next two years.
Kaiser exploration upside
Between FY20 and FY23, Alkane invested at least A$20m pa in exploration – a figure that will now fall materially as it returns to greenfields exploration and cheaper RC drilling. Nevertheless, during the mineral resource exploration programme at Kaiser, two significant reverse faults were located, which dislocated the main zone of mineralisation. As such, there is potential for further extensions to higher-grade mineralisation on the down thrust at the Kaiser west zone of mineralisation, south-west of the Kaiser fault, and east of the Solar fault, where mineralisation is statistically said to be ‘nuggety’. Exploration upside in these areas is supported by the results of earlier holes, including hole KAI090 (which intersected a bornite-chalcopyrite crackle breccia, including 122.4m at grades of 0.40% Cu and 0.42g/t Au from 576.6m and 28m at 0.84% Cu and 0.92g/t Au from 646m) and extra drilling will aid in improving the confidence of these domains to convert remaining resources from the inferred to the indicated category.
Exhibit 6: Three-dimensional model of Kaiser mineralisation showing faulting
