Company description: Building a brighter future
Avon Rubber specialises in respiratory protection systems and milking point solutions to provide innovative solutions to a global customer base. With headquarters in Melksham, Wiltshire in the UK, Avon has a broad global footprint, with sites in the US, China, Italy and Brazil. This equates to 11 sites with c 800 employees, supplying customers in 89 countries around the world.
While the company’s origins date back to 1855, the current structure was created through portfolio rationalisation throughout the 1990s and a suite of acquisitions in the 2000s. From 2008, the company was winning contracts with larger values and longer terms, thus building visibility into the business. Today, Avon Rubber is formed of two key divisions. Avon Protection (70% of FY17 group sales) is recognised as a global leader in CBRN respiratory protection systems supplying the military, law enforcement and fire markets. milkrite I InterlPuls provides complete milking point solutions to dairy farms around the world.
Both divisions have broadened their product portfolios and addressable markets through a series of successfully integrated acquisitions. The group strategy focuses on growing the core, selective product development and adding value-enhancing acquisitions. The recent disposal of AEF indicates the focus of the management team on the portfolio and its core markets.
Exhibit 2: FY17 group divisional split
Exhibit 3: FY17 group regional revenue split


Exhibit 2: FY17 group divisional split

Exhibit 3: FY17 group regional revenue split

Avon Protection is a global leader in CBRN respiratory protection systems. Military customers continue to make up over half of the division’s revenues although there is significant and growing contribution from the law enforcement and fire markets.
Exhibit 4: FY17 revenue split for Avon Protection

While Avon Protection addresses a broad end market spectrum, central to the investment thesis is delivering high-value products to key customers at attractive margins. There are clearly areas of opportunity in air, sea and technology integration, although the company wants to avoid mass market dynamics where it would face far larger competitors and less sophisticated products. This is demonstrated in Exhibit 5.
Exhibit 5: Avon Protection areas of operation

Source: Company reports, green shading indicates current exposure
The table below captures the breadth of the current Avon Protection military portfolio. The suite has developed considerably over the last decade ie in 2008 the company only offered the M50, FM53 and ST53 products whereas today’s portfolio enables customers to be introduced via entry level products and in time move to more sophisticated options as appropriate. A visible benefit here is the step-up in unit value, where Avon may be selling the same number of units as before to a customer but the higher unit contribution has a positive multiplier effect. The company’s decision to invest in selective product development is bearing fruit while addressing a significantly larger customer base. In addition, with 20- to 30-year product lifecycles, it is important to both understand customer requirements and ensure product economics from the outset.
Exhibit 6: Avon Protection military portfolio applications 2018
Applications |
M50 |
FM53 |
ST53 |
M53A1 |
FM54 |
ST53SD |
MCM100 |
MDC150 |
Military operations |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Counter narcotics operations |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Special operations |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Law enforcement operations |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
First responders |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Critical national infrastructure protection |
X |
Other |
X |
X |
Close to home, Avon was selected by the UK MoD as preferred bidder for the resupply and in-service support of its General Service Respirator on 3 November 2017. The contract announced in February 2018 is a build to print of the current UK MoD design over a five-year period. There is a required build-up lead time, including tooling and approvals, with production starting in H119. We are encouraged to see the contract win against a challenging procurement backdrop for the UK MoD. However, as we discuss later in this note, the current security backdrop is creating demand.
Overseas, Avon is in encouraging negotiations with the US DoD, as the M50 10-year sole-source contract ends in 2018. The company received an order for 53,000 M50 masks in early December. Combined with the order book of 49,000 M50 masks at the end of September, this fully underpins our FY18 M50 delivery forecasts. The order in January of 47,000 M50 masks will contribute towards building the FY19 order book and offers further visibility.
Partnerships are key to Avon Rubber, not least the long-term, multi-level relationship with the US DoD. The current active dialogue for the M50 replenishment phase should extend the programme for another 15 years. In addition, Avon continues to work with the DoD on some potentially significant platform programmes (see page 8-9). This is in line with the company’s new, threefold growth strategy. The overall approach is to grow the core, add selective product development and make value-enhancing acquisitions to accelerate growth.
An exciting recent development is approval from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in North America of the Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) range. The first US customer here is a large federal law enforcement agency, which itself was involved in the development of the technology. Avon anticipates further orders from US customers in the near future.
Other significant markets are first responders including the police and other emergency services, addressed either directly or through distribution channels. SCBA and thermal imaging equipment is targeted at the fire services and other industrial users, primarily through a US distribution network. All products are safety-critical and consequently markets are highly regulated, with approval standards creating significant barriers to entry with long product cycles.
Exhibit 6 also suggests areas where further M&A could build out the portfolio in this division. Within Respiratory Protection, air and sea could prove attractive end markets if the right asset became available. We reiterate that Avon’s M&A strategy is disciplined, bringing the right technology and market access to build upon the medium-term growth trajectory of the group.
The milkrite I InterPuls business designs, manufactures and sells products and services used in the milking process. At the core of the business is rubber ware such as liners and tubing. These consumable products come into direct contact with the cow and the milk and are replaced regularly to ensure product hygiene and animal welfare and to maximise milk quality and yields. This division has also evolved organically and via significant acquisition. The €30m acquisition in 2015 of InterPuls, a milking equipment specialist in electromechanical components, has added significantly to the product range. This includes pulsators, milk meters, automatic cluster removers, milking clusters, washing systems, vacuum pumps, bucket milkers and pipeline system components,
Exhibit 7: FY17 revenue spilt for milkrite | InterPuls

Today, Avon is a complete milking point solution provider, working through over 2,000 distributors worldwide. The global market is concentrated in high-consumption automated milking markets in North America and Western Europe, where Avon has significant market shares. Growth potential also exists beyond the traditional markets in South America, China, India and Russia.
The dairy farm of the future needs to address the multiple issues of milk quality, environmental impact, farm efficiency and profitability. milkrite I InterPuls believes that driving operating efficiency with technology is the answer. So, it is less the Internet of Things, and rather the Internet of Cows. We discuss this in more detail later in the report.
Exhibit 8: milkrite I InterPuls product range

milkrite I InterPuls offers solutions with world-class products of its own in liners and pulsation equipment. The Interface business dominates the division sales split (70% in FY17) and the business is the clear market leader, manufacturing 64% of the liners sold in the US in FY17. Overall, Interface grew by 4.3% organically in FY17. Through its Interface business, milkrite I InterPuls has a strong installed base from which to leverage its other two business areas. The Precision, Control & Intelligence (PCI) and Farm Services businesses are demonstrating very strong growth (20.2% and 18.9% organically in FY17 respectively).
Farm Services is the company’s leasing approach (Exchange), offering equipment on a lease hire basis with a fully incorporated service and warranty scheme. Today, the majority of the business is Cluster Exchange Service (CES), offered to farmers to reduce the time they have to change liners but also improve the regularity of changes. Typically, farmers will leave liners unchanged for longer than is advised, increasing the chance of damage and subsequent infection. However, Pulsator Exchange Service (PES) was launched in North America in FY17 with 478 Pulsators introduced to 11 farms serving 19,570 cows in the year. Meanwhile, Tag Exchange Service (TES) is moving into its commercial launch phase following a successful pilot stage.
Overall, the market dynamic is changing in milkrite I InterPuls’s favour. As little as 15 years ago, farmers had to be convinced of the benefits of technology, whereas today they are asking what solutions are on offer. Exchange schemes generate twice the revenue, with the addition of service to the product sale. They also add visibility and predictability to the business and mitigate the impact of variable milk or feed prices on investment decisions. The division is scheduled to spend £1.5m on product development this year to ensure it is at the forefront of this evolution.