Stillwater palladium stream acquisition
On 16 July, WPM announced it had entered into an agreement with Sibanye (largely the former South African assets of Gold Fields of South Africa and Gengold plus Stillwater in the US) to acquire 100% of the gold production plus a percentage of its palladium production from the Stillwater and East Boulder mines (together called ‘Stillwater’) in Montana for an upfront cash consideration of US$500m. Salient features of the agreement are as follows:
Effective 1 July 2018, WPM will be entitled to receive an amount of gold equal to 100% of the Stillwater gold production for the life of the Stillwater and East Boulder mines.
In addition, it will initially be entitled to an amount of palladium equal to 4.5% of palladium production until 375koz have been delivered to Wheaton, at which point the amount will decrease to 2.25% until 550koz have been delivered, at which point the amount will reduce again, to 1.00%, until the end of the life of the mine.
WPM will make ongoing payments of 18% of the spot price of gold and the spot price of palladium until the balance of the upfront payment has been reduced to zero, at which point it will make ongoing payments of 22% of the spot price of gold and the spot price of palladium.
The stream area of interest is defined as the area inclusive of all patented and unpatented claims at the Stillwater mining operations.
Stillwater is the US’s only platinum group metal (PGM) mine and the largest primary producer of PGMs outside South Africa (predominantly Amplats, Implats and Northam) and Russia (predominantly Norilsk). Located in Montana in the front range of the Beartooth Mountains at elevations exceeding 1,500m above mean sea level, its operations comprise two underground PGM mines (Stillwater and East Boulder), the Blitz project and the Columbus metallurgical complex.
The Stillwater and East Boulder mines have been in operation since 1986 and 2002, respectively, producing from the J-M Reef, which is the world’s highest grade PGM deposit. Each mine has its own milling and concentrator infrastructure on site. In the meantime, the Blitz project – which is part of the Stillwater mine – started ore production in 2017 and is expected to ramp up to full production in 2021. Finally, the Columbus metallurgical complex is a state-of-the-art processing plant to smelt and part-refine mine concentrates to produce a PGM-rich filter cake that is shipped to a third-party for final refining.
Stillwater reserves and resources, attributable to WPM are as follows:
Exhibit 1: Stillwater reserves & resources, attributable to WPM (31 December 2017)
Category |
Tonnage (Mt) |
Grade Au (g/t) |
Grade Pd (g/t) |
Contained Au (Moz) |
Contained Pd (Moz) |
Reserves |
Gold |
Proven |
5.0 |
0.31 |
0.05 |
Probable |
36.8 |
0.31 |
0.36 |
Proven & Probable |
41.8 |
0.31 |
0.41 |
Palladium |
Proven |
0.2 |
13.2 |
0.08 |
Probable |
1.3 |
12.6 |
0.53 |
Proven & Probable |
1.5 |
12.7 |
0.61 |
Resources |
Gold |
Inferred |
92.5 |
0.31 |
0.92 |
Resources |
Palladium |
Inferred |
1.0 |
12.9 |
0.43 |
Grand total gold |
134.3 |
0.31 |
1.33 |
Grand total palladium |
2.5 |
12.8 |
1.04 |
Source: Wheaton Precious Metals
Declared current reserves are sufficient to support mining activities at Stillwater until 2041, but this could be significantly increased if inferred resources are upgraded. Since 2001, the average conversion of resources to reserves has been c 95% at Boulder East and c 87% at Stillwater (the lower conversion being on account of its higher cut-off grade). Note that the Blitz project is expected to have a higher conversion rate than the Stillwater mine as it will similarly utilise a lower cut-off grade owing to an efficient infrastructure set up. In addition, there is significant exploration potential both regionally and at depth below current reserves and resources, including over 12km of undeveloped mineralisation associated with the J-M reef between the two currently producing mines.
As is typical for WPM in entering a new streaming agreement (albeit with a major mining company), there is a completion test relating to the completion of the Blitz project, including the completion of underground development, critical surface infrastructure and concentrator production output.
Expected production in H218 is forecast to be c 5.4koz gold and 10.4koz palladium. In the following 10 years, production is forecast to average c 14.5koz gold and 29.0koz palladium per year. We forecast that Stillwater will have delivered 375koz palladium to WPM by the end of FY31, such that WPM’s share of production halves, from 4.5% to 2.25%, and it will then receive c 14.7koz palladium per year thereafter until a further 175koz have been delivered (after a further 12 years, approximately), at which point its share of production will reduce, once again, to 1.00% for the rest of the life of the mine. Payable rates for gold and palladium have been fixed at 99.0% and 99.6%, respectively, with the result that we forecast the following production, sales and pre-tax cash flows attributable to WPM over the next 13.5 years (in real, FY18, dollar terms) at the current spot price of palladium of US$914/oz at the time of writing:
Exhibit 2: Stillwater estimated production, sales and (real) pre-tax cash flows attributable to WPM, H218e-31e
Year |
H218e |
FY19e |
FY20e |
FY21e |
FY22e |
FY23e |
FY24e |
FY25e |
FY26e |
FY27e |
FY28e |
FY29e |
FY30e |
FY31e |
Production (oz Au) |
5,400 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,500 |
14,900 |
14,900 |
14,900 |
Production (koz Pd) |
10.4 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
Sales (oz Au) |
5,346 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,355 |
14,751 |
14,751 |
14,751 |
Sales (koz Pd) |
10.4 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
Pre-tax cash flows to WPM (US$m) |
13.5 |
35.0 |
37.6 |
37.1 |
35.5 |
38.0 |
37.5 |
37.2 |
38.2 |
39.5 |
40.3 |
41.7 |
39.6 |
37.7 |
Source: Edison Investment Research, Wheaton Precious Metals. Note: Gold price forecast as per Edison’s long-term price forecasts, as set out in our note, Mining overview: Unlocking the price to NPV discount, published in November 2017; palladium price as at the current spot price of US$914/oz.
Within the context of an initial, upfront payment of US$500m in FY18, these cash flows imply a real internal rate of return to WPM of 4.3% in FY18 US dollar terms from FY18 to FY41.
On the basis of these forecasts, we also estimate that the balance of Wheaton’s upfront payment will have declined to nil by the end of FY31. At that point, therefore, it will also be liable to make ongoing payments of 22% of the spot prices of gold and palladium (cf 18% previously).
With due deference to the different detailed terms of each transaction, at the top line, the above gold and palladium stream is therefore approximately equivalent to a gold stream of c 34koz pa, falling to c 24koz pa after FY31, or a silver stream of c 1.9Moz pa, falling to c 1.4Moz after FY13. As such, it may be compared to recent deals concluded by WPM of a similar size, as follows:
Exhibit 3: Recent comparable WPM transactions
Heading Left |
Salobo II |
Antamina |
Salobo III |
Voisey’s Bay |
Stillwater |
Date |
Q215 |
Q415 |
Q316 |
Q218 |
Q318 |
Counterparty |
Vale |
Glencore |
Vale |
Vale |
Sibanye-Stillwater |
Consideration |
US$900m |
US$900m |
c US$818.4m* |
US$390m |
US$500m |
Approximate metal attributable to WPM pa |
70koz Au |
5.1Moz Ag for 2yrs then 4.7Moz pa Ag |
70koz Au |
2.4Mlbs Co pa, equivalent to c 75-80koz Au or 5.7-6.2Moz Ag pa |
14.5koz Au plus 29koz Pd pa initially, equivalent to c 34koz Au or 1.9Moz |
Source: Edison Investment Research. Note: *See our report, Going for gold, published on 30 August 2016.
Investors should note that, whereas WPM makes ongoing payments of US$400/oz at Salobo at the current time, which equates to approximately 33% of the price of gold at the time of writing, its ongoing payments to Stillwater are approximately half this level at 18% of the spot prices of gold and palladium. Although the Stillwater stream is thus approximately half the size of the Salobo streams in terms of revenue therefore, its ongoing payments are also approximately just over half as large.
Compared to our prior forecasts, we estimate that the Stillwater transaction will add an average of 1.9Moz (or c 4.2%) of silver equivalent to WPM’s production profile over the four years from FY19-22 (inclusive):
Exhibit 4: Edison forecast WPM precious metals production
FY18e |
FY19e |
FY20e |
FY21e |
FY22e |
Updated WPM guidance |
Previous |
Silver production (Moz) |
24.0 |
22.3 |
23.0 |
23.9 |
23.7 |
Gold production (koz) |
345 |
370 |
337 |
333 |
339 |
Cobalt production (klbs) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2,100 |
2,100 |
Palladium production (koz) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Current |
Silver production (Moz) |
24.0 |
22.3 |
23.0 |
23.9 |
23.7 |
25.0 |
Gold production (koz) |
351 |
385 |
352 |
348 |
353 |
385 |
Cobalt production (klbs) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2,100 |
2,100 |
2,100 from FY21 |
Palladium production (koz) |
10.4 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 from FY19 |
Source: Edison Investment Research
On an underlying basis (ie before any changes in precious metal price assumptions – see below), we expect the Stillwater palladium stream acquisition to add 4.0c (or c 5.0%) to WPM’s basic EPS per year (simple average) over the 10 years of production from FY21 to FY30 inclusive:
Exhibit 5: Voisey’s Bay estimated EPS enhancement, 2021-30e
Year |
FY18e |
FY19e |
FY20e |
FY21e |
FY22e |
FY23e |
FY24e |
FY25e |
FY26e |
FY27e |
FY28e |
FY29e |
FY30e |
EPS enhancement (US$) |
0.01 |
-0.01 |
-0.01 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
0.03 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
EPS enhancement (%) |
1.0 |
-1.7 |
-0.6 |
2.8 |
3.1 |
4.4 |
4.3 |
4.4 |
4.4 |
5.8 |
5.7 |
7.2 |
8.2 |
Source: Edison Investment Research, Wheaton Precious Metals