Positive Aplidin Phase III clears the way for EU approval
PharmaMar announced positive top-line results from the 255-patient ADMYRE Phase III trial of Aplidin (plitidepsin) in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma last month. The trial met its primary endpoint, showing a statistically significant 35% reduction in the risk of disease progression or death. With these positive trial results in hand, PharmaMar plans to file for approval in Europe in Q416. The full ADMYRE results will be presented at a future medical conference, possibly ASH in December. Aplidin has orphan drug designation in Europe and the US.
Separately, in the US the company plans to seek initial approval for Aplidin for the ultra-orphan indication angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, which accounts for 2% of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. A pivotal Phase II trial in this indication is expected to commence recruitment in the current quarter.
Multiple myeloma accounts for 10% of all haematological malignancies. It is caused by malignant plasma cells that multiply very rapidly. In 2015, 26,850 new cases were diagnosed in the US, and about 11,200 people died of this disease. In Europe, the incidence is 4.5-6.0 out of every 100,000 people each year.
On the back of the successful Phase III trial, we increase our likelihood of approval in Europe to 90% (previously 65%). We expect PharmaMar to file for regulatory approval in Europe in Q416, which could potentially lead to approval in late 2017 and market launch in 2018. However, we have pushed our forecast US launch back by Three years to 2020, given that development timelines are yet to be determined. We expect Aplidin to reach global peak sales of US$300m.
PharmaMar has an Aplidin co-promotion agreement with Chugai Pharma Europe covering certain European countries (France, Germany, the UK, Benelux, Ireland and Austria). It has also licensed marketing rights to Specialised Therapeutics Australia covering Australia, New Zealand and certain Asian countries, and to TTY Biopharm in Taiwan. PharmaMar retains commercialisation rights in several key European territories, including Spain, Italy and Northern Europe, where we assume it will market Aplidin using its existing salesforce. PharmaMar also retains production rights and will supply Aplidin to its partners for sale in the licensed regions. There is potential for further licensing newsflow with Aplidin as the regulatory dossier for European approval will also be valid for more than 40 additional ex-EU countries.
PM1183 – ovarian cancer Phase III recruiting well, lung next
PharmaMar plans to initiate a pivotal Phase III study in SCLC on the back of impressive efficacy in an expansion cohort in a Phase Ib study. The proposed Phase III is expected to be a head-to-head study comparing the combination of PM1183 and doxorubicin against either topotecan or a combination of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and vincristine in 600 relapsed (second-line) SCLC patients following platinum-containing therapy. Preliminary results from the Phase Ib study showed that 67% of SCLC patients responded to PM1183 plus doxorubicin, compared to response rates of 20-25% typically seen with standard-of-care drug topotecan. In patients who initially responded to first-line chemotherapy before relapse, the response rate was 100% (Exhibits 1 and 2).
PM1183 is a synthetic alkaloid that is structurally related to PharmaMar’s marketed drug Yondelis, with activity in similar (ovarian cancer) and new indications (SCLC, NSCLC, breast cancer). The compound has been optimised to improve the pharmacokinetic profile, such that PM1183 can be given at 4x the tolerated dose level of Yondelis and offers administration advantages. PM1183 can be administered in a one-hour infusion using a peripheral intravenous catheter, compared to a 24-hour infusion with Yondelis via a central catheter.
Exhibit 1: SCLC – maximum tumour size variation according to response to first-line chemotherapy
Exhibit 2: SCLC – best confirmed response according to response to first-line chemotherapy


Source: PharmaMar corporate presentation. Note: Sensitive = chemotherapy-free interval (CTFI) > 90 days after first line therapy; Resistant = CTFI≤90days; PD = progressive disease; PR = partial response.
Source: PharmaMar. Note: CR = complete response; CTFI = chemotherapy-free interval; PD = progressive disease; PR = partial response; SD = stable disease.
Exhibit 1: SCLC – maximum tumour size variation according to response to first-line chemotherapy

Source: PharmaMar corporate presentation. Note: Sensitive = chemotherapy-free interval (CTFI) > 90 days after first line therapy; Resistant = CTFI≤90days; PD = progressive disease; PR = partial response.
Exhibit 2: SCLC – best confirmed response according to response to first-line chemotherapy

Source: PharmaMar. Note: CR = complete response; CTFI = chemotherapy-free interval; PD = progressive disease; PR = partial response; SD = stable disease.
In June 2015 PharmaMar initiated a Phase III trial of PM1183 as a monotherapy in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (CORAIL), compared to a control arm with topotecan or liposomal doxorubicin. The randomised open-label trial will enrol 420 women with unresectable platinum-resistant ovarian cancer and will assess whether PM1183 can improve progression-free survival (PFS) as the primary endpoint. The drug cleared an interim safety analysis on the first 80 patients in February, and an interim futility analysis after 210 patients is expected to report in June or July. Recruitment is expected to complete around the end of 2016 with results likely in 2017. This pivotal study follows encouraging PFS and OS rates in a Phase IIb trial (Exhibit 3).
Data also are expected before the end of the year from a Phase II trial of PM1183 in metastatic breast cancer, which commenced in 2012. The primary endpoint of the 117-patient trial is overall response rate.
Exhibit 3: PM1183 (lurbinectedin) development status
Programme |
Indication |
Stage |
Notes |
PM1183 (lurbinectedin) |
Platinum-resistant/ refractory ovarian cancer (PRROC) |
Phase III |
420-pt monotherapy CORAIL trial in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer commenced recruitment in June 2015. The trial will compare PM1183 vs investigators’ choice of topotecan or pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD). Recruitment is expected to take 18 months. In a Phase IIb trial PFS 5.7 months for PM1183 vs 1.7 months for topotecan (p=0.0005). Orphan drug status. |
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) |
Phase III planned Q216 |
600-pt ATLANTIS trial as second-line therapy in combination with doxorubicin in platinum-resistant SCLC. Recruitment planned to commence June 2016, with final results in 2019. The trial will compare PM1183 plus doxorubicin against either topotecan or a combination of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and vincristine. In a Phase I trial in 21 SCLC pts confirmed ORR was 67%, including 10% CR. |
BRCA1/2-associated breast cancer (BC) |
Phase II |
117-pt two-part Phase IIb trial in BRCA1/2-associated or unselected metastatic BC ongoing. Stage one: 20 pts with mut-BRCA1/2 mutation (targeting ≥4 pts with ORR) and 30 pts with unknown status (targeting ≥3pts with ORR), leading into second stage with 33 pts in each arm if positive. Second stage ongoing, with recruitment expected to complete Q116. Primary endpoint of ORR. |
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) |
Phase II |
120-pt three-arm Phase II of PM1183 ± gemcitabine vs docetaxel in second-line unresectable NSCLC (recruitment ongoing). Primary endpoint: PFS at four months. Secondary endpoints: ORR, PFS/OS, histology. Phase I study + gemcitabine resulted in 1 CR, 4 PR and 7 SD in 19 evaluable NSCLC pts. |
“Basket” trial in advanced solid tumours |
Phase II |
225-pt Phase II of PM1183 in patients with advanced solid tumours, including SCLC, head and neck cancer, neuroendocrine tumours, biliary tract tumours, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, germ cell tumours and Ewing’s family of tumours. Primary endpoint: ORR. |
Source: Edison Investment Research, clinicaltrials.gov. Note: PFS = progression-free survival; IDMC = independent data monitoring committee; PTCL = peripheral T-cell lymphoma; ORR = overall response rate; CR = complete response; PR = partial response; SD = stable disease.