Cranswick — Softer H1 but fundamentals remain solid

Cranswick — Softer H1 but fundamentals remain solid

Cranswick has witnessed a tougher start to the year, with more uncertain market conditions and softer pricing in key export markets. Capital investment behind the business continues apace, with the move to the new Continental Products facility during the period, and the construction of a new state-of-the-art poultry processing facility well underway.

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Softer H1 but fundamentals remain solid



29 November 2018



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Business description

Cranswick is a leading British supplier of premium, fresh and added-value products. It supplies a range of fresh pork, gourmet sausages, premium poultry, charcuterie, traditional bacon and gourmet pastry products through retail, food service and manufacturing channels. The UK is its core market.


Strong innovation pipeline helps fuel growth.

Consumer trend for increased protein consumption is supportive.

UK origin of produce resonates well with health-conscious consumers and minimises Brexit-related issues.


Significant capex investment dents cash flow in the shorter term. The company had £11m of net debt at end FY17, £20.6m of net cash at end FY18, £2.2m of net cash at H118, and more capex projects announced for FY19-20.

There are execution risks associated with the poultry facility upgrade, as with all large projects.

Competitive landscape remains tough and the UK retail environment is challenging.


Sara Welford

+44 (0)20 3077 5700

Paul Hickman

+44 (0)20 3681 2501

Cranswick has witnessed a tougher start to the year, with more uncertain market conditions and softer pricing in key export markets. Capital investment behind the business continues apace, with the move to the new Continental Products facility during the period, and the construction of a new state-of-the-art poultry processing facility well underway.

Premium and convenience skew is helpful

Cranswick’s product offering is skewed towards the premium end of the market, which continues to witness stronger growth. Convenience is also increasingly important, with ease of preparation the main attribute consumers look for. Cranswick’s exposure to multiple channels continues to serve it well, with customers spanning from the supermarkets to Quick Service Restaurants. This allows the company to spot emerging consumer trends more rapidly and use this information to make innovation more pertinent in the retail business, which still accounts for over 70% of revenue. The company is investing in its facilities to remain relevant and also to ensure it is a price setter by offering superior products to its customers. State-of-the-art facilities help in this regard as they deliver both flexibility and lower cost.

Market conditions are tough

The UK retail environment continues to be challenged, with the big four food retailers continuing to lose share, and the discounters still outperforming the market. Over time, management has skilfully dealt with a tough set of customers, and testament to this is the fact that Cranswick’s own margins with the discounters are no different from with the big four supermarkets. The market is likely to remain tough as consumers are concerned about inflation, and Brexit uncertainty is unhelpful, particularly in terms of wage inflation. In addition, the Chinese pork market and industry is currently being disrupted by outbreaks of African swine fever. We expect the seasoned management team to navigate these conditions.

Valuation: Trading at a premium

Trading on a consensus FY19e P/E of 18.6x, Cranswick continues to be valued at a premium to the meat processing and food manufacturing peer group. Bolt-on acquisitions remain a possibility given the group’s net cash position, but management has demonstrated a disciplined approach and a willingness to expand the business via capex projects in the absence of suitable acquisition targets. Volatility is likely to remain a feature due to the agricultural nature of Cranswick’s raw materials. Increased automation will help to offset some wage inflation.

Consensus estimates




































Source: Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S



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CASI Pharmaceuticals — Riding the wave of Chinese reform

We are initiating coverage on CASI Pharmaceuticals, which is focused on leveraging regulatory synergies between the US and China to quickly bring products to market. The regulatory environment in China is rapidly evolving and is actively encouraging the entry of foreign drugs. CASI intends to leverage this with a portfolio of three proprietary oncology drugs (licensed from Spectrum) and 30 ANDAs (bought from Sandoz and Laurus Labs). We arrive at an initial valuation of $754m or $8.06 per share.

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