Q223 saw net sales increase by 53% to SEK75.9m (Q222: SEK49.5m). The improvement reflected the start of the unwinding of project delays arising from the COVID disruptions, although there were some ongoing deferrals, notably in the commissioning of SDaaS satellites launched in H123. AAC Clyde Space in Sweden, Hyperion and Omnisys all delivered strong revenue growth in the period, while Clyde Space and SpaceQuest were flat year-on-year, with the smaller AAC Space Africa still building its business. Overall, the group delivered positive EBITDA of SEK2.3m in Q223 (Q222: loss of SEK3.2m), with positive contributions from AAC Clyde, Hyperion, SpaceQuest and Omnisys more than offsetting an increased loss at Clyde Space and start-up losses at AAC Space Africa.
Exhibit 1: AAC Clyde Space H123 results summary
SEKm |
H122 |
H123 |
H123 vs H122 |
19.82 |
28.5 |
44% |
Clyde |
25.21 |
25.8 |
2% |
Hyperion |
6.79 |
30.6 |
351% |
SpaceQuest |
14.43 |
20.7 |
44% |
Omnisys |
22.74 |
43.2 |
90% |
AAC Space Africa |
1.72 |
1.0 |
(41%) |
Net sales |
90.70 |
149.8 |
65% |
SDaaS |
8.24 |
9.1 |
10% |
Space Missions |
22.46 |
14.5 |
(35%) |
Space Products |
60.01 |
120.1 |
100% |
Licence income |
0.00 |
6.1 |
Net sales |
90.70 |
149.8 |
65% |
Other operating income |
9.86 |
12.8 |
30% |
Development work capitalised |
10.88 |
15.3 |
41% |
Group income |
111.45 |
177.9 |
60% |
Raw materials & subcontractors |
(30.78) |
(65.48) |
113% |
Personnel costs |
(68.13) |
(82.48) |
21% |
Other external expenses |
(19.58) |
(22.91) |
17% |
Other operating expenses |
(3.74) |
(3.07) |
(18%) |
(10.78) |
3.97 |
N/M |
Depreciation and Amortisation |
(13.35) |
(14.84) |
11% |
(24.13) |
(10.87) |
(55%) |
(18.81) |
(10.57) |
(44%) |
Net income |
(17.50) |
(11.13) |
(36%) |
(0.09) |
(0.05) |
(44%) |
Adjusted net cash/(debt) at period end |
46.5 |
(31.8) |
N/M |
Lease liabilities |
(12.7) |
(18.9) |
+49% |
Total net financial assets |
33.8 |
(50.7) |
N/M |
Key highlights of H123 were:
Group net sales rose 65% to SEK149.8m (H122: SEK90.7m). SDaaS sales were up 10% to SEK9.1m, with the anticipated Q223 acceleration deferred until H223 due to satellite commissioning delays, with further additional launches also expected before the year end. Space Products doubled to SEK120.1m (H122: SEK60.0m), reflecting strong growth at AAC Clyde Space in Sweden, Omnisys and Hyperion. Space Missions’ performance continued to be the main casualty of project delays, with sales falling 35% to SEK14.5m (H122: SEK22.5m).
The group generated positive EBITDA of SEK4.0m (H122: loss SEK10.8m), with a sequential improvement in Q223 to SEK2.3m. SpaceQuest and Hyperion both increased their contribution in H123 to SEK5.6m (H122: SEK4.2m) and SEK9.7m (H122: SEK0.8m), respectively. AAC Clyde Space in Sweden reduced its EBITDA loss to SEK0.8m (H122 loss: SEK9.5m) following a positive SEK3.1m contribution in Q223. Omnisys’s contribution fell to SEK4.3m (H122: SEK5.1m) despite the strong revenue growth. Clyde Space saw its EBITDA loss increase to SEK12.7m (H122 loss: SEK10.0m) due to the revenue deferrals.
A large part of the EBITDA improvement was due to the stabilisation of the cost base, which has changed little over the last three quarters. The leveraging of higher sales over a largely fixed cost base remains a key element of the investment proposition for AAC.
The loss before tax of SEK10.6m was 44% lower than in H122 (SEK18.8m) despite a SEK5.0m reduction in net financial income.
Adjusted net debt (excluding leases) at end H123 was SEK31.8m before the benefit of the rights issue proceeds of SEK35.9m in July. Gross cash was SEK13.0m compared to SEK52.1m at the start of the year. The operating cash outflow was SEK43.0m in Q223 (Q222: SEK32.2m), reflecting further working capital increases. For H123, the operating outflow increased to SEK52.8m compared to SEK25.3m in H122. As well as the fund-raising, we expect receipt of the R&D tax credit and milestone payments, together with the start-up of the SDaaS revenues, to boost H223 cash flow.
The order backlog remained robust at SEK443.7m with strong sales growth outpacing still healthy order intake. While some of the Space Products backlog was consumed during Q223, both Space missions and SDaaS saw moderate increases as sales did not meet earlier expectations.
Exhibit 2: Net sales split by segment, activity (H123: SEK149.8m)
Exhibit 3: Order backlog development (H123: SEK443.7m)


Source: Company reports. Note: Split estimated by EIR.
Exhibit 2: Net sales split by segment, activity (H123: SEK149.8m)

Exhibit 3: Order backlog development (H123: SEK443.7m)

Source: Company reports. Note: Split estimated by EIR.
To try and provide a better understanding of how the group is growing, we include commentary on each subsidiary.
In the original Uppsala-based business, the operations continue to focus on Space Products revenues in the form of a suite of avionics, data processing and power management systems for customers. It has started to build up its Space Mission capabilities, although at present these remain relatively small (H123 sales: SEK1.16m).
Exhibit 4: AAC Clyde Space AB quarterly development
SEKm |
Q122 |
Q222 |
H122 |
Q123 |
Q223 |
H123 |
- Space Missions |
1.33 |
0.42 |
1.75 |
0.65 |
0.50 |
1.16 |
- Space Products |
9.51 |
8.56 |
18.07 |
10.72 |
10.52 |
21.25 |
- Licence income |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
6.07 |
6.07 |
Net sales |
10.84 |
8.97 |
19.82 |
11.38 |
17.10 |
28.47 |
(2.22) |
(7.26) |
(9.48) |
(3.83) |
3.05 |
(0.79) |
Margin (%) |
-20.5% |
-80.8% |
-47.8% |
-33.7% |
17.8% |
-2.8% |
Q223 saw a sharp improvement in performance as avionics sales grew, thanks to recent order intake. The business also received further licence income of SEK6.1m (H122: nil), which we now expect to be an element of future revenues and is essentially a 100% margin. It boosted Q223 EBITDA to SEK3.05m, which was not enough to offset the Q123 loss, but the margin of almost 18% is encouraging and more aligned with our medium-term expectations.
The Glasgow-based operations are the principal core Space Missions activity of the group, providing satellite platforms and mission solutions to third parties, as well as developing platforms for its own use as it builds up its SDaaS offering.
Exhibit 5: Clyde Space quarterly development
SEKm |
Q122 |
Q222 |
H122 |
Q123 |
Q223 |
H123 |
- SDaaS |
0.09 |
0.27 |
0.37 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
- Space Missions |
10.44 |
8.62 |
19.06 |
6.61 |
6.78 |
13.38 |
- Space Products |
3.59 |
2.19 |
5.79 |
7.77 |
4.65 |
12.42 |
Net sales |
14.13 |
11.08 |
25.21 |
14.38 |
11.43 |
25.80 |
(5.94) |
(4.02) |
(9.96) |
(5.55) |
(7.11) |
(12.66) |
Margin (%) |
-42.1% |
-36.2% |
-39.5% |
-38.6% |
-62.2% |
-49.1% |
Although revenues were marginally up year-on-year in H123, the performance was not as strong as anticipated. It should be noted that much of the capitalised development work, which is increasing as its own satellite development accelerates, is in Clyde Space, so activity levels are higher than net sales suggest. More satellites are to be launched over the next 18 months. The primary reason for the H123 shortfall against our expectations was the delay to commissioning launched satellites that had been expected to start generating higher-margin SDaaS revenues during Q223. These are now expected to come onstream in H223, providing a significant boost to both sales and EBITDA performance, which should accelerate into FY24 as more of its own network satellites are deployed.
Based in Delft in the Netherlands, Hyperion supplies reliable, high-performance miniaturised subsystems for small satellites, including electronic and mechatronic systems. It has built a strong reputation for attitude and orbit control technologies and laser communications, and is working closely with academic and industry partners on advanced technologies such as optical satellite communications and propulsion systems. Hyperion’s sales are categorised as Space Products.
Exhibit 6: Hyperion quarterly development
SEKm |
Q122 |
Q222 |
H122 |
Q123 |
Q223 |
H123 |
Net sales |
2.20 |
4.59 |
6.79 |
15.77 |
14.87 |
30.63 |
(0.54) |
1.32 |
0.78 |
5.01 |
4.73 |
9.73 |
Margin (%) |
-24.7% |
28.8% |
11.5% |
31.7% |
31.8% |
31.8% |
Revenues stepped up strongly in H123 and remained stable at c SEK15m in both quarters, generating a consistent and healthy margin of c 31.8%. Revenue was over four times the level of H122, with the total in FY22 only SEK15.5m. The performance was well ahead of our expectations, so we have significantly upgraded our revenue estimates for FY23, although we are assuming the strong performance is likely to ease a bit in H223. Nevertheless, Hyperion should make a strong contribution to the group EBITDA improvement.
SpaceQuest is the US arm of AAC Clyde based in Fairfax, Virginia in the United States. The business has been operating longer than the other AAC subsidiaries and already delivers SDaaS from its own constellation of four satellites and ground stations. It also supplies a range of satellite components, microsatellite subsystems, ground stations, AIS data and M2M connectivity to other commercial aerospace manufacturers and institutions.
Exhibit 7: SpaceQuest quarterly development
SEKm |
Q122 |
Q222 |
H122 |
Q123 |
Q223 |
H123 |
- SDaaS |
3.91 |
3.96 |
7.87 |
4.52 |
4.57 |
9.10 |
- Space Products |
1.73 |
4.84 |
6.56 |
7.83 |
3.79 |
11.62 |
Net sales |
5.64 |
8.79 |
14.43 |
12.35 |
8.36 |
20.72 |
0.90 |
3.26 |
4.15 |
3.50 |
2.11 |
5.61 |
Margin (%) |
15.9% |
37.1% |
28.8% |
28.3% |
25.2% |
27.1% |
SpaceQuest also made strong progress compared to H122, with revenues more than doubling. However, overall, this was much as expected. There was a slight mix shift as SDaaS revenues of SEK9.1m continued to be delivered by the existing fleet of satellites at a relatively stable rate, with the deployment of newer platforms now deferred to FY24. We believe the delays were caused by supply chain issues. However, while the Space Products revenues compensated for the modest shortfall in H123, Q223 saw a sharp drop-off in sales that resulted in some overhead under-recovery, leading to a drop in the EBITDA margin to 25.2%. We expect H223 to be similar to the first-half performance with a significant improvement in SDaaS revenues in FY24.
Omnisys is the most recently acquired of the group businesses and is based in Gothenburg, Sweden. It develops and manufactures measuring instruments, including advanced weather data sensors for meteorological and climate research applications. The company is able to develop advanced payloads that should be available to provide space data for customers operating in a growing number of fields such as science, medical and security. All of Omnisys’s sales are categorised as Space Products.
Exhibit 8: Omnisys quarterly development
SEKm |
Q122 |
Q222 |
H122 |
Q123 |
Q223 |
H123 |
Net sales |
8.29 |
14.45 |
22.74 |
19.11 |
24.04 |
43.16 |
1.30 |
3.83 |
5.14 |
3.28 |
1.00 |
4.28 |
Margin (%) |
15.7% |
26.5% |
22.6% |
26.6% |
11.9% |
20.6% |
Omnisys saw a further significant increase in revenues in Q223 as it continued to work through its backlog. However, while Q223 saw exceptionally high growth, the margin dropped considerably as there were excess costs incurred on one specific project. We do not expect the issue to persist and we would expect margins to return to more normal levels of more than 20% in H223.
Based in Cape Town, South Africa, AAC Space Africa commenced operations in August 2021 to capitalise on the expected rapid growth in demand for satellites and space services in Africa. The business has been designated as AAC’s centre of excellence for advanced radio communication systems and is still in its start-up phase.
In H123, it generated modest revenues of SEK1.0m (H122: SEK1.7m), although the previous year benefited from a Space Missions project that completed in Q422. The H123 EBITDA loss was SEK2.2m compared to a loss of SEK1.4m in H122.