Tennant Creek acquisition
On 5 November, Pan African announced that it is to acquire privately owned TCMG for a total consideration of US$54.2m in an all-share deal that involves it issuing an additional US$50.8m in shares for the 92% of TCMG that it does not already own. At Pan African’s current price, we calculate that, all other things being equal, this will involve the issue of 125.4m new shares – or 6.5% of the current effective total – to take PAF’s outstanding share capital to 2,041.9m shares (excluding 306.4m shares in treasury).
Tennant Creek is a town located roughly in the geographical centre of the Northern Territory of Australia, approximately 1,000km south of Darwin and c 500km north of Alice Springs.
The Tennant Creek goldfield was discovered in the early 1930s and was mined until the early 2000s when the gold price fell to a monthly low of US$276.80/oz in January 2002, resulting in the termination of large swathes of mines in this region. Prior to that, however, the Tennant Creek goldfield was known as one of the highest-grade goldfields in Australia, with production over the c 70 years of its life yielding 5.5Moz Au, 348kt Cu, 1.9Moz Ag and 21,600t bismuth.
After 30 years of mining at the Nobles underground mine, the crown pillar collapsed in 1967 owing to erosional degradation of the iron oxide lithologies. The broken material was excavated from the failure zone and stockpiled on what is now known as the Crown Pillar Stockpile (CPS), with some of this material being treated while a new plant was being constructed during 1967–68. Thereafter, Nobles was mined as an open pit mine (Australia’s largest until 1985), albeit the balance of the CPS remained untreated.
As a result of past activity, the mineral deposits in the Tennant Creek goldfield are well understood and form part of the hematite and magnetite end members of an iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) style of mineralisation and express themselves as cone-like or blanket-like breccia sheets within granitic margins, or as long ribbon-like breccia or massive iron oxide deposits within faults or shear zones. Continuity of these deposits is proven with strike lengths of more than 50m, widths of 2–24m or more and down-dip extents of hundreds of meters. Typically, these deposits are enriched in copper, gold, cobalt, silver, uranium and bismuth. In addition to brownfields exploration, the goldfield is also very prospective for greenfield discoveries such as the Mauretania and Marathon deposits on the Emmerson Resources exploration joint venture (a JV agreement between TCMG and Emmerson Resources) and the Bluebird deposit. In 2022, realising the consolidation opportunity present in the area, TCMG acquired 100% of the tenements around the historical highest-grade and largest producers of the region, namely, Nobles, Warrego and Juno, with the intent to expedite exploration and increase the conversion of mineral resources into mineral reserves.
The Nobles project currently comprises reserves of 0.4Moz gold contained within a resource of 1.3Moz Au (Exhibit 1). At Pan African’s full consideration price of US$54.2m for TCMG, this equates to a purchase price of US$42.15 per resource ounce of gold or US$139.21 per reserve ounce.
Exhibit 1: Nobles resources and reserves
Resources |
Reserves |
Conversion |
Category |
Tonnage (Mt) |
Grade (g/t) |
Contained gold (koz) |
Category |
Tonnage (Mt) |
Grade (g/t) |
Contained gold (koz) |
Tonnage (%) |
Grade (%) |
Contained gold (%) |
Measured |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Proven |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Indicated |
10.6 |
3.06 |
1,043 |
Probable |
3.9 |
3.1 |
389 |
36.8 |
101.3 |
37.3 |
Inferred |
3.5 |
2.14 |
241 |
Possible |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total |
14.1 |
2.83 |
1,284 |
Total |
3.9 |
3.10 |
389 |
27.7 |
109.5 |
30.3 |
Source: Pan African Resources, Edison Investment Research. Note: In accordance with the guidelines of The Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the JORC Code, 2012).
The execution of the Nobles project is based on a feasibility study positing the processing of material through a carbon-in-leach (CIL) gold plant which was purchased from the Great Australian Mine in Cloncurry in Queensland. The plant has been dismantled and is in the process of being reconstructed at Nobles over a 13-month period ending in H1 CY25, with commissioning and first gold anticipated in June 2025. The processing of surface material in the form of the CPS, the Nobles North tailings and Nobles North Waste Rock Dump will form the initial base ore feed of the plant, followed by the Nobles complex pits, Eldorado (pit and underground), Juno, Chariot and Golden Forty underground mines over a period of five years. The processing plant is rated for a throughput of 840ktpa and a gold recovery of 94% and will be the only functioning gold processing plant in the region at present and the largest ever operated in the Tennant Creek goldfield. An additional three years of production is then being targeted by management in the form of near-term, walk-up targets including Mauretania and White Devil. The initial capital cost for commissioning is estimated at US$35.7m and is fully funded via two debt facilities, consisting of US$6.7m from the Northern Territory of Australia and US$31.5m from Keyview Investment Management.
Reported highlights of TCMG’s feasibility study are:
Expected payback in less than three years (at a gold price of US$2,600/oz).
Forecast production of c 50koz pa over the initial three years of the life of the operation derived from low-risk surface stockpiles and tailings storage facilities (TSFs).
Initial all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of US$1,300/oz in the first three years of operation.
Life of mine free cash flow of US$420m at US$2,600/oz Au.
Project NPV15 US$129.7m (6.8 US cents, or 5.3p per undiluted Pan African share) and real, ungeared internal rate of return (IRR) of 144%, based on the exploitation of current mineral reserves only and a US$2,600/oz gold price.
The project is reported to be close to existing road and rail infrastructure and in an area that is not considered environmentally sensitive.
Edison does not have access to the proprietary details of TCMG’s feasibility study. However, on the basis of the information made available to the public to date, we have constructed the following financial model of the Nobles project (Exhibit 2). Readers should note that we have necessarily used Edison’s (real) gold price assumptions in this model, as set out in our report, Gold – Shades of the 1970s, published in September 2023. These average US$1,849/oz (June–June) in real terms over the initial five year life of the Nobles mine and are therefore at a material (27.6%) discount to the current spot price of gold of US$2,554/t and also at a material (16.5%) discount to the US$2,214/oz price at which the TCMG feasibility study was conducted. This necessarily depresses Edison’s calculated NPV15 relative to that calculated in the feasibility study. However, readers will readily appreciate that, should the gold price fall to Edison’s level and Edison’s lower NPV thus become more relevant, Pan African’s all scrip consideration will also similarly decline.
Exhibit 2: Nobles feasibility study results
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
2029 |
2030 |
Totals/averages |
Tonnes milled (t) |
840,000 |
840,000 |
840,000 |
840,000 |
840,000 |
4,200,000 |
Head grade (g/t) |
2.45 |
2.66 |
1.62 |
4.41 |
4.14 |
3.06 |
Contained gold (oz) |
66,170 |
71,915 |
43,723 |
119,149 |
111,915 |
412,872 |
Recovery (%) |
94.0 |
94.0 |
94.0 |
94.0 |
94.0 |
94.0 |
Gold produced (oz) |
62,200 |
67,600 |
41,100 |
112,000 |
105,200 |
388,100 |
Gold price (US$/oz) |
1,935 |
1,966 |
1,890 |
1,726 |
1,727 |
1,819 |
Revenue (US$000's) |
120,365 |
132,933 |
77,666 |
193,267 |
181,703 |
705,934 |
Working cost (US$/oz) |
1,312 |
901 |
1,697 |
1,249 |
857 |
*1,203 |
Working cost (US$000's) |
81,606 |
60,908 |
69,747 |
139,888 |
90,156 |
442,305 |
Working cost (US$/t) |
97.15 |
72.51 |
83.03 |
166.53 |
107.33 |
105.31 |
AISC (US$/oz) |
1,312 |
901 |
1,697 |
1,249 |
857 |
1,140 |
AISC (US$000's) |
81,606 |
60,908 |
69,747 |
139,888 |
90,156 |
442,305 |
Gross profit (US$000's) |
38,759 |
72,026 |
7,920 |
53,379 |
91,546 |
263,629 |
Depreciation (US$000's) |
-11,300 |
-23,700 |
-36,200 |
-50,600 |
-50,600 |
-172,400 |
Pre-tax profit (US$000's) |
27,459 |
48,326 |
-28,280 |
2,779 |
40,946 |
91,229 |
Tax (US$000's) |
8,238 |
14,498 |
0 |
834 |
12,284 |
35,853 |
Effective tax rate (%) |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
39.3 |
Profit after tax (US$000's) |
19,221 |
33,828 |
-28,280 |
1,945 |
28,662 |
55,376 |
Free cash-flow excluding capital cost (US$000's) |
30,521 |
57,528 |
7,920 |
52,545 |
79,262 |
227,776 |
Sustaining capex (US000's) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Capex (US$000's) |
-35,700 |
-20,800 |
-49,600 |
-37,500 |
-28,800 |
0 |
-172,400 |
Pre-tax free cash flow (US$000's) |
-35,700 |
17,959 |
22,426 |
-29,580 |
24,579 |
91,546 |
126,929 |
Post-tax free cash flow (US$000's) |
-35,700 |
9,721 |
7,928 |
-29,580 |
23,745 |
79,262 |
91,076 |
Pre-tax NPV15 (US$000's) |
32,166 |
Post-tax NPV15 (US$000's) |
10,680 |
Pre-tax IRR (%) |
41.5% |
Post-tax IRR (%) |
23.1% |
Source: Pan African Resources, Edison Investment Research. Note: *Simple average.
Aside from the gold price, key assumptions in Edison’s financial model are a 30% mining tax rate, that sustaining capex is minimal and that development capex is incurred for each new, sequential area of production (Eldorado, Juno, Chariot and Golden Forty) in the year before the operation is first mined. At this stage, the effect of working capital during the life of the project is also ignored, except for initial working capital that is included in the initial capex requirement of US$35.7m.
A comparison between the outputs of Edison’s financial model (shown in Exhibit 2) and those published by Pan African in its acquisition announcement are shown in Exhibit 3, below:
Exhibit 3: Nobles feasibility study results
Project |
Tennant Creek |
Edison at Tennant Creek assumptions |
Variance (%) |
Tennant Creek at US$2,600/oz Au |
Edison at US$2,600/oz Au |
Variance (%) |
Edison at Edison assumptions |
Life of mine (years) |
5.5 |
5.0 |
-9.1 |
**5.5 |
5.0 |
-9.1 |
5.0 |
Tonnes processed (Mt) |
4.4 |
4.2 |
-4.5 |
**4.4 |
4.2 |
-4.5 |
4.2 |
Gold produced (koz) |
390.4 |
388.1 |
-0.6 |
**390.4 |
388.1 |
-0.6 |
388.1 |
Gold price (US$/oz) |
2,214 |
2,214 |
0.0 |
2,600 |
2,600 |
0.0 |
1,819 |
Working cost (US$/oz) |
1,191 |
*1,203 |
1.0 |
**1,191 |
*1,203 |
1.0 |
*1,203 |
Capital cost (US$m) |
171.2 |
172.4 |
0.7 |
**171.2 |
172.4 |
0.6 |
172.4 |
Free cash flow (excl. capital cost, US$m) |
329 |
331 |
0.6 |
420 |
448 |
+6.7 |
228 |
Pre-tax NPV15 (US$m) |
113.2 |
N/A |
196.7 |
N/A |
32.2 |
Post-tax NPV15 (US$m) |
79.3 |
69.7 |
-12.1 |
129.7 |
130.7 |
0.8 |
10.7 |
Pre-tax IRR (%) |
108.2 |
97.7 |
-10.5pp |
144 |
164.3 |
+30.3pp |
41.5 |
Post-tax IRR (%) |
63.2 |
N/A |
108.6 |
23.1 |
Source: Pan African Resources, Edison Investment Research. Note: *Simple average. **Edison presumption.
In general, it may be observed that there is a close reconciliation between Edison’s financial model and the outputs of TCMG’s feasibility study where the same inputs are used – albeit Edison’s NPV and IRR appear slightly conservative at a gold price of US$2,214/oz and slightly optimistic at a price of US$2,600/oz. Even at Edison’s lower gold prices, however, it is worth noting that both Nobles pre-tax IRR and its post-tax IRR exceed Pan African’s minimum 20% per annum hurdle rate.
In its financial assessment of the Nobles project, Pan African/TCMG applied a 15% discount rate to cash flows. This is conservative within the context of the fact that approximately half of all studies on mining projects use a discount rate of 8% (see our sector report, Gold stars and black holes, published in January 2019) and about a quarter of all studies are conducted at a discount rate of 5%. It is also conservative within the context of the fact that Pan African has applied a rate of 12.5% for some of its South African assets in the past and the fact that Nobles is located in Australia’s Northern Territory, which is, according to Canada’s Fraser Institute, one of the 10 most attractive jurisdictions for mining investment in the world and notably more attractive than South Africa:
Exhibit 4: Fraser Institute index of mining investment attractiveness 2023 (Northern Territory and South Africa highlighted)

In part, the 15% discount rate reflects the stage of development of the project – being in construction, rather than production.