Sparks commentary - Braemar


Sparks - Braemar

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Braemar (LSE: BMS) – H1 trading in line with expectations
Published by Andy Murphy

Braemar confirmed that H1 trading to date has been in line with expectations and that H125 revenue will be at least £75m (H124: 74.9m), with underlying operating profit (pre-acquisition-related expenditure) ‘slightly ahead’ of H124 (£7.6m). Net cash at the half year increased from £1.0m at end FY24 and £3.1m at end H124 to £3.3m. Management remains confident in the outlook for the current year and beyond, which will benefit from the focused growth strategy, supported by the forward order book that stood at £80.9m at H125 versus £82.6m at end FY24 and £67.2m at end H124. H125 results are due to be released by mid-November.



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