JPMorgan Global Growth & Income (LSE: JGGI)

Last close As at 02/07/2024


−4.00 (−0.85%)

Market capitalisation


JPMorgan Global Growth & Income (JPGI, formerly JPMorgan Overseas IT) aims to achieve capital growth from world stock markets, by holding a diversified portfolio of investments in which the portfolio manager has a high degree of conviction. Following a change in its distribution policy in July 2016, it also aims to pay a dividend equivalent to at least 4% of NAV at the preceding year-end, announced at the start of the year to give visibility of income.

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Share Price Performance

Price Performance
% 1M 3M 12M
Actual (2.1) 2.6 6.7
Relative 1.3 2.8 5.4
52 week high/low 479.0p/395.5p


Edison Investment Research is terminating coverage on JPMorgan Global Convertibles Income Fund. Please note you should no longer rely on any previous research or estimates for this company. All forecasts should now be considered redundant.

Previously published reports can still be accessed via our website.

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Investment Companies

Executive interview – JPMorgan Global Growth & Income


Investment Companies

JPMorgan Global Convertibles Income Fund — Update 27 September 2016